
You have a point. On the whole race baiting issue, that is. I clicked on the article hoping it would show me where I could catch this year's race since Fox isn't showing it. Deadspin can be such a tease sometimes.

Closet doors in Russia are much sturdier.

Yeah, when stuff is hard just quit.

You make an excellent and important point.

Buffalo Chicken Dip Beer Chili:


You know what never has technical difficulties? A CONTAINER OF DELICIOUS RANCH DRESSING.

Peeing in the concourse is gross, but believe it or not, the bathroom was actually Messier.

For $50 extra you can get a hooker to ride down on your face.

Clearly this was not planned by a native New Yorker. The locals all know that Chinatown is the most appropriate place toboggan.

No article that mentions Gaffney, S.C. should ever neglect to include a picture of this thing.

Ever dip your pizza in ranch? That's the shit braw!

How odd. When I was a kid, there was always this puppy who would pester my dad, who just wanted to sit in his barn alone all day getting drunk on Budweiser. My dad would throw him out in a fit, but that damned puppy kept coming back. Just like the ad, my dad even gave the puppy away to strangers so he could get drunk

Nature's cruel padding! It shall fall on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Secaucus and, farther eastward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Manasquan waves. It shall fall, too, upon every part of the lonely parking lot on the hill where Hoffa lay buried .

It's all public domain, available online. The novels aren't as good as the short stories.

Then the man drowsed off into what seemed to him the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known. The dog sat facing him and waiting. The brief day drew to a close in a long, slow twilight. There were no signs of a fire to be made, and, besides, never in the dog's experience had it known a man to sit like

I'm going to use the comments for a brief and unapologetic fan letter. Deal with it.

If we rig this so Skyline wins, what happens to Burneko?

The same fiend that would ever vote for ranch!

Please send the inevitable poop story to Drew Magary under the header "MEAT QUAKE".