Augustin Trébuchon

Aye, that he does...such a great show.

Everything is a visor if you scoot down far enough.

Reminded me of Blackadder....

Step 1.

I wound up with probation and community service in college for taking notes on an illegal pad.

That’s not a visor.  :-P

It’s not in the app store. It’s a web-based game.

“If you can read this in French, I’ll bet you can’t get this baby on two wheels”

Michael Bay: “I want audiences to be horny for the astronauts in this movie.” [Casts Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, and Ken Hudson Campbell.]

How is it that we are 2 years into this and people still parrot bullshit nonsense like this?  Like is this a willful thing you’re doing or do you really not understand it?

And yet not a single World Leader said that. You wanna see a list of suckers?

Could we say he had an epiphany?  ;-)

It doesn’t break the internet. It may prevent me from getting to some places on it, mostly because of restrictions placed by those places. Maybe I don’t need to go places that insist they know exactly who I am.

A lot of the internet as it exists sucks fucking ass. If using a VPN (or Private Relay) breaks a site, it more often than not fits that definition.

It’s not a private relay issue. The internet is broken for people who don’t want to be tracked. These companies don’t want you to use their service unless they can track you.

There’s an xkcd for that ( )

We’ll see just how ‘on fire’ Facebook/Meta is in a few months. My guess is we’ll see some finger-wagging and stern faces from Congress, then nothing. Because I'll bet that FB/Meta still pays plenty of money to PACs and individual slush funds. 

Did your dad also hand-crank start his own cars? ‘Cause that is actually how you start a car? It’s more “engaging” and causes you to “actually learn about governing the engine”.

I was both amazed as a driver and terrified as pedestrian.

It’s amazing how much you wrote, and still failed to grasp the main point.