Augustin Trébuchon

Having to use the iPhone as a webcam to get a quality one isn’t the new cool feature Apple thinks it is.

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May I suggest this most cromulent video? Mr Something has a far-too-speedy delivery, but the message is always spot on, and entertaining to boot.

It’s activated by the “ludicrous mode” setting on the OLED panel.

My first bicycle was “aircraft grade”. In 1992.

I never ceased to be puzzled by people who mention tablets as a “laptop replacement”. There are many things I can’t do on a tablet but only on a laptop, not least when an equally-powerful MB Air specced at 256GB is $50 cheaper.

Indeed the Air and Pro are nearly indistinguishable, which is why for the life of me I don’t get why they wouldn’t make an *actual* Air by using the footprint (and hence weight) of the 12" MacBook and fitting the 13" screen by making the bezels smaller.

Are those among the same “sure-fire” predictions that entirely missed the Mac Studio even hours before it was revealed?

Lemme guess - it takes place somwhere between “last money-grabbing idea” and “next money-milking project”?

As if the boring fad of retro design that has begotten lazy xeroxed designs from the 500 to the Mini, the Camaro and the Mustang wasn’t bad enough, now we’re down to actually fully xeroxing a design.

Surely I cannot be alone in hating these gazillions of emoji, and only use the perfectly versatile “original yellow” versions 99.9% of the time? It makes searching for a particular emoji a real hassle, and in the meantime some items are conspicuously absent (the teapot only appeared six months ago!)

Good on them.

That’s Jalopnik saying “it’s the most clapped-out”.

Let me introduce you to the novel concept of “clickbait” :-)

12K miles and it needs a probabl 5-figure servicing. Noice!

If that’s the case, let’s hope you never have to write aboutb the benefits of 90- or 120-Hz refresh rates on phones, or 600Hz ones on monitors.

To describe the exampe graphics as “god-level” is perhaps a bit... adventurous?

To describe the exampe graphics as “god-level” is perhaps a bit... adventurous?

You mean, as opposed to the NW corridor with its endless length of suburbs, highways, more or less decrepit buildings, and chance sightings of greenery?

We’e talking bout rich assholes here. That is a strong possibility.

Starlink (...) has launched around 2,000 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit and is authorized by the FCC to launch around 12,000.

I’m guessing executives will get to keep their half-billion while not being actually charged at the same time their employees will be laid off, because it simply is the invisible hand working?