Augustin Trébuchon

Now incremental upgrades are in the names only.

but did it cost $3500?

People repeating “Aircraft grade aluminum” like it’s some exclusive thing is a giant pet peeve. It’s just 6061, an extremely common type of aluminum and not special at all when used in the context of manufacturing consumer products.

Death Sold Separately

I know that when I die it will be because I was doing something dumb, but this is not the way I want to go.

wasn’t quite the runaway hit the company needed

huh ... ist das nicht eine Essiggurke ... vielleicht werde ich mich sicher und ruhig zurückziehen, wenn die Zeit reif ist”

So an active rear wing no longer works and the front heat exchangers have leaks. Not exactly “clapped out” now is it? Anyone with the ability to fork out $1M for this thing will have not issues fixing those issues.

Imagine working for SF Bay Area tech company where if you fuck up your Macbook this way you will get a newer faster one in reward.

The Veyron never was a looker, but my, that design has not aged well. The interior is fine, but the exterior, and especially the wheels, do not look like a million bucks. 

i saw this and thought “that’s the most austin thing ever” and then noticed that was filmed here. nailed it

The benefit of having your own train is that you can decide yourself where to stop. Imagine you’re in your luxury pullman car (good choice!) and you’re sitting, waiting because of delays...
Nope. If i were filthy rich, i’d have them clear a path with a good amount of margin for me. Hell, perhaps just buy two time

My experience riding trains is that they’re only boring if you find your own company boring

decision to sell out to The New York Times this week may have at least one way to preserve the original game’s free, anti-money leaching spirit

Yeah, this is basically a software KVM...nothing new to see here folks. I have a single mouse and keyboard setup w/ 4 monitors using Barrier to connect everything between a Win11 lappy and MacBook Pro....shared Clipboard and you can drag-drop files too. You could even swizzle in Linux too if you like. I’m not a Mac

“Universal” where the universe is Apple

Yes magic, aka something freeware has been able to do on PC for over a decade.

Well it’s certainly better looking than the T50, in my opinion. Extremely jealous of the future owners; that V12 is out of this world. And how awesome is it that he’s shown a middle finger to the current hypercar establishment that insist on over the top styling and mandatory paddle shifters.

Buy a name brand used bike on Craigslist. Then replace the brake pads and cables. Pay the local bike shop to do it if you’re not entirely comfortable doing that.

The more lens elements you use, the better the image a camera can capture