Maybe what’s needed is a regulatory ultimatum: no car will ever get certified in L4 or whatever without a common V-to-V comms. The Eu seems poised to that for USB (arguably a lower bar to clear) so ... maybe?
Maybe what’s needed is a regulatory ultimatum: no car will ever get certified in L4 or whatever without a common V-to-V comms. The Eu seems poised to that for USB (arguably a lower bar to clear) so ... maybe?
“Eyes Wide Shut” *and* “Call Me By Your Name” in a list of 20 Best Films (Xmas or any othertime)... eggnog season started really early in the LH offices, didn’t it?
Except retro cannot ever be dne perfectly. Retro shouldn’t be done, period. There are enough talented designers out there to actually come up with new shapes. Retro is laziness... validated by stupidly nostalgic buyers.
Something tells me you enjoy clichés.
I once knew a soja farmer in Missouri who was, let’s say... to the right of Ronald Reagan, convinced for instance that France was Communist.
Was the goal to write the stupidest column for Thanksgiving in the Jalop offices?
Given that they can compute how much time they have between first rain and last moon quarter, I’d say their math skills are better than those of a few people I know.
You and I both, then :-)
Yu do that. And don’t come back until we call you :-)
Oh, me too - I was only mentioning it in passing :-)
60lbs for the “lighter” model, over 110 for the performance one.
I still fail to see the point (unless they also make wine?)
Ask people from Vancouver, and they’ll tell you *Canada* was cut off from Vancouver, not the other way around.
Most mass transit is already at least 75% free to the rider - as in, the farebox only covers less than 25% of operating costs.
Christmas takes place before Thanksgiving now?
Honestly, the angle/color in the opening image made me think this was an Audi A7 mated to a GTR nose.
19 feet - NINETEEN - is “midsize”? In what world?
Maybe they just deleted it on account of the horrendously bad CGI happening on Hardy’s right shoulder and arm?
I’d like to add that, after “seeding” my playlists with several dozen artists and a couple hundred songs, I’ve next-to-never been offered in my “taylored for you” anything I’d ever be remotely interested in, things better suited to “Despacito” or - case in point - Adele fans.
Do they explain why it went from fascinating concept to run-of-the-mill “rich asses throw money to kill poors” about two-thirds of the way?