Robert D. W.

1. Assemble bread

I’m probably an “old” to Alicia because I just turned 30, but this article is utterly ridiculous. If your parents are stupid, there’s probably a good chance you are too. If your parents are reasonably intelligent people they’ve adapted to change like anyone would and likely have pertinent information to pass on.

There are still things that I certainly will ignore when my dad is talking about them but I can’t tell you the number of times I have looked back and thought, man he really knew what he was talking about and I should have listened. As I grow older I learn how much I didn’t know when I was younger and there is

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

not only at your home but also anywhere your child sleeps or plays, like at the grandparents’

over a 26-year period ... 271 children ... died
Meanwhile on US roads alone, 30,000 to 40,000 people die every year in car crashes... EVERY YEAR (about 100 every day) ... Where is the panic over that? JBFC.

I feel like this is a bit alarmist and going out to get rid of blinds for no good reason isn’t very frugal.

We don’t move our blinds too much, they typically stay half open and halfway up the window. Our primary concern was the cat killing our blinds, as our kids are old enough to responsibly handle a piece of string.

Compared to how many children that didn’t die from this in the last 26 years? What is the percentage here? Seriously, making an issue where almost none exists.. If this is something you’re really concerned about, and you just don’t want to actually watch your kids, put a couple of knots in the cord so it is out of

Sure, do it... but stop raising the alarms like this is some huge epidemic.