
Come on, Rob. You’re better than this. At least wait until someone actually says something to mock them.


Yep. They’re annoying enough without us having that argument before they do it.

You are probably not wrong, but isn’t this the very definition of a straw man argument?

Gosh darn it America. What is so damn important that you have to postpone all my favorite shows this week??

Until you see what a stone cold badass Grievous was in his first showing and just how brutally he gets pimp-slapped by the nerf stick more and more each subsequent appearance.

Be patient, dave filoni is a master story teller. He could tell a coherent story constrained by the mess of the prequels. Hell, he could probably rewrite War and Peace in Haiku form if you asked nicely. He will come around to answering it soon.

You know the Genndy Tartakovsky series is not canon, right?

Satine, who I’ve always hoped was a subtle nod to “Moulin Rouge” what with it being an ill fated lover of Ewan MacGregor.

He didn’t go to the dark side because of his anger or hatred. Those were symptoms of his greater flaw, which was his desire for greater control. That was his flaw from the very beginning. His reckless pursuit for Padme’s survival was more of a selfish passion than a selfless love. Every evil thing he did in that movie

No way. You needed to seal in the tradgedy of everything he’d just experienced. The “nooo” was too much, granted, but it was important that we leave Vader as someone who is very conscious of the fact that he’s lost everything.