
Only...he’s NOT really better than this. Rob is the king of clickbaiting headlines. We WANT him to be better than this...but he’s not, and almost certainly never will be.

I was going to say this. The headline doesn’t need to assume that assholes will be assholes out there to be a relvant article and headline. It’s clickbating...and I wish I could say that Rob knew better...but this is a part of his schtick.

It’s also VERY important to later events. If he didn’t care about Padme after becoming Vader fully....then how can he care about Luke? It’s the tragedy if the guy that makes it so good. You get to ANH and think “Shit...he’s still in that suit, and still suffering.”

The Mandalorian arc in TCW addresses this. They are ostensibly a seperatist system in the making and are good and sympathetic people...but are eventually pushed by some of their own dissidents into joining the Republic’s side...but it’s definitely an example of a sympathetic Separatist faction when it starts.

With one SMALL, but important distinction....Ep I has Chancellor Vallorum as a weak, pushover who is EASILY outpaced by Senator Palpatine and unseated. It’s a key moment of Palpatine’s rise and without it you lose a LITTLE of Palpatine’s machinations and how they are so easily employed later. Those wondering how the

Dave Filoni is my spirit animal.

And Commander Appo (NOT Rex) leads the Jedi Temple raid with Anakin.

It would never happen, but I’d be on board with that. And I’d have Dave Filoni write it.

Satine is EVERYTHING. The Satine and Obi-Wan love story is the love story that Anakin and Padme’s SHOULD have been.

Actually, Rex is not present in ROTS. It’s another commander who leads the Jedi Teple raid (Commander Appo I think?).

Re: Doctor Who.

Right? We’ve been sat at home going “Well, what’s on Netflix I guess?”

Huh. They are still making Mortal Instruments movies...even after the first one didn’t do all that well, and is based on a book series written by an alleged serial plagiarizer? Interesting.

It makes sense that they go with Arthur’s brother vying for the Atlantian throne BEFORE Black Manta...since that’s how things play out in the New52 comics as well.