
Blowing my mind that folks are defending Colonial saying “what, you expected them to give fuel away for free?”

A company couldn’t bill its customers so they decide to cause a fuel panic because they can’t get out billing.  Let’s not play stupid here.  In terms of harm reduction, Colonial utterly failed.  Yes, the hackers screwed up when they targeted Colonial, but this whole comedy of errors couldn’t have played out more

How did they bill customers before computers?

I don’t want to be united with those assholes and I don’t believe there is any way they will unite with us unless we walk all the way over to them. And, honestly, we’ve compromised enough (even before Trump.) It’s time for them to start walking left instead of going further and further right. Walk left or die.

And they’re going to make the high rises into a sanctuary city named “DefundThePolice Village”.

Or you tell them what I told my nephew when he was spouting Qanon shit:

I really think Captain Amerikkka’s run will end amicably with John realizing he’s not the right man for the shield. Can’t wait for tonight.

Allan McDonald was one of my heroes. While he wasn’t able to stop the launch, he spoke up, and when the heat was on, he spoke up again.

Great piece, and I can’t help but agree even more so after Harry’s mention of his own father no longer taking his calls. I will never understand not sticking by your kids no matter what. This is just bonkers. Harry and Meghan get it. Charles doesn’t.

This is fine. What I hate are people who don’t watch a show or never watched it or don’t consume whatever the media is but still insert themselves into places (like articles about the media or reviews of it) to say how much they hate it.

It’s true, I often have to remind myself of this 😄 As I’ve gotten older though it’s been a lot easier to step back and abide by the ‘live and let live’ philosophy. However God damnit if I have to hear one more person hate on my pineapple on my pizza I’m gonna ... ok ... breathe ... down girl.

1) Let people enjoy the things you hate

Hard agree... I’m also at the point where I’ve decided I’d rather be rude than dead. I’ve been a ‘middle ground’ kinda guy my whole life, but the Trump presidency has made it very clear that ‘middle ground’ with anarchists and fascists is still anarchy and fascism.

We’ve had a couple of these articles in the last week... I think the other one was about not letting people know when someone is talking shit about them publicly... because it’s rude to the shit talker.

And to show that you should let people enjoy things you hate, here are two things that I hate that I think nobody should let anyone enjoy.

I just wonder why we hear so much of that number but somehow even the so-called “liberal media” barely seems to mention the 81,283,098 people who voted for Joe Biden.

@Sam Blum, thoughts? ;-)

100%. Talk about cowardice. This is an outcry from people who want to talk shit and not have to own up to it.

so, it’s bad form to let a person who’s being shit on know they are being shit on, but it’s ok to shit on someone while not having the nerve to let them know to their face? hmm, ok.