
Are we all clear now about how important the judiciary is?

Only conservative rednecks can get away with this because the conservative whites in power secretly want them to succeed. They get a pass. It’s only when liberals and minorities protest that they go all out to stop protestors.

They should have but police always treat white trash terrorists with kid gloves.

You didn’t believe black people.

Shoot those maga idiots. Shoot them all dead.


I stopped breathing at Vanilla Lice and straight up died at Wacklemore. Good god that was beautiful.

All the Zelda music is great, but A Link to the Past from SNES will always be my favorite.  

Moving to another country during a pandemic isn’t an option.. but I’m not interested in ‘Murica anymore. not at all.

whatever the final results end up being, “Trumpism” is now the defining element of the conservative culture. the racial animus, gender bias, anti-lgbt hostility..
warped narratives amplified by FOX and a truly ghastly interpretation of Christianity that values white nationalism above the gospel of Jesus.

I have

Another reason why we're a lost cause: people, including folks I've called friends for over twenty years, think his erratic nature is an asset. He's so unpredictable that they're afraid of him! Yes. That's it.

This shit is only gonna get crazier. Wait til dumbass announces there will be no recounts or new elections. I watched a documentary on Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union and it sounds like a preview of the next season of America...

Wow, white people lived through the last 4 years and still decided to ride the crazy train again.

Checking in on the results on my breaks at work... was a bad idea. This year, this election, this president... really is a mealstrom of a worst case scenario. I’m disgusted to call this country home. Disgusted to walk the same streets as these monsters.

Republicans have been laying this groundwork for decades, and especially the last one. People seem surprised that the House races are still swinging Republican. That’s what failing to turn out in 2010 did. It let Republicans draw the maps that have been used for the last ten years. At least Democrats get that power in

He didn’t have covid. It was an act.

Yeah, this is one of the times where the two old white guys are not fucking interchangeable.

Just once I’d like to see the cops do to these white people what they do to unarmed black people.

This is the same cause everywhere.