Given what Toad Dick is doing in all the major cities right now, anything done to one of his cult members is morally justified. Literally anything.
Given what Toad Dick is doing in all the major cities right now, anything done to one of his cult members is morally justified. Literally anything.
White people keep fucking with us and fucking with us. What they fail to realize that we are tired of their bullshit and to paraphrase my great-grandmother: “we brought you into this world and we’re about ready to take you out”.
I know Republicans love to think we mean defund the police completely, but nobody is advocating for that. We’re advocating for defunding partially so they are no longer militarized, as well as re-structuring the whole force and the ways they do things.
I’ll let Chris Rock respond:
Swing and a miss, Failure.
But they could start with doing what Camden did. Oh and demilitarizing them would also probably be a good thing.
“The commission did not respond to a large majority of them.”
Feel like maybe you should have taken Frisch’s advice to Michel Moore.
It was a brilliant speed driven declaration of filth and fury. Loved it.
Hunter S Thompson raises a margarita in your direction somewhere out there, methinks.
“Responsibility, working, looking out for others... You know, the type of shit that generally makes a halfway decent person and productive member of society? Yeah, that’s some nerd sucka shit. Real men train to be fuckboys from an early age!”
For real. Where the fuck is the FBI when we need them?!? This nasty piece of shit needs to be arrested and have any children in his custody taken from him.
This man has a weird obsession with underage boy penis.
No-knock raids should be illegal.
And conveniently, these cops were not wearing body cams because for some particular reason (thinking emoji) this unit does not.
Until there's video and audio of this case, the police can cover it up all they want.
Because he’s a racist troll.
Exactly. White supremacists have been and continue to be emboldened by Trump. Decades of repressed hate is oozing out like pus.
SO, I had COVID and let me tell you how much it suuuuucked.
One of my FB friends posted it like 3 times, saying “they keep deleting it!” like that was some reasoning as to why it must be true. There’s a cover-up! They don’t want you to know what’s real! We better keep posting about it and talking about it so everyone can see it! Fight the system!