
An attorney that worked with McMichael in the past leaked it to a local radio station for full transparency. I’m not sure how he got it. I would suspect McMichaels sought his opinion but that is just a guess.

How did the video get out, BTW? Did their buddy fear for his own ass and turned It over to someone In the hopes he wouldn’t be labeled an accomplice (my suspicion) or did he send It to another good ol’ boy as a hoot and THAT person turned It over?

The GBI are the same mfs that fucked the ATL Child Murders up.....funny how they drag their feet when the suspects are wyteracistscocksuckers......

Yes he does. He participated in a lynching and needs to go down for it.

Nah man. Tote that supertanker of bullshit somewhere else. You all weren’t gonna do a motherfucking thing other then warn this inbred father and son that if they were gonna shoot a nigger, to do it with some forethought and not be so damned sloppy about it. Just like a teenager with iced tea and Skittles somehow

Ahmaud Arbery was lynched by Gregory and Travis McMichael. Who shot the video?

To understand how severe this HIV cluster was, you need some numbers. The outbreak cluster was centered in Austin IN, a town of 4000. Number of cases there? 140. Which is insane, but not as insane as letting it get that bad in the first place. I live in this region, and even our clueless small town newspaper was

Did you know there were Moogles in Secret of Mana? That was weird.

Has *often been pretty fennec fox-y.

Don’t forget this horror

People like the Carbuncles in FFXIV a lot. Not only can the Summoner class summon them, but they’re also mounts you can buy in the cash shop.

I thought it was common knowledge Carbuncle was a fox... no?

I dunno, FF14 Carbuncle(s) are quite kawaii.

I feel like I’m the only person who thinks the art style for this game sucks. The original game had a lot of fairly cartoony elements to it that they’re not just turning into weird realistic looking characters doing cosplay and hanging out with photoshopped dogs. 

Those “certain people” are fucking idiots and should learn to stop whining. That includes you, you get the fuck out of here as well.

There is nothing he can say to me that would make me vote for him in the primaries, though, should he win, I’d walk across broken glass to vote for him.

This is correct, there is no one as stupid, culturally, socially, politically, economically & sexually as this crude brain dead fuck. And you know what is the part that is the most fucking infuriating? Rather than admit they made a mistake, white folks are determined to burn it all to the ground rather than admit they

So the Becky’s decided that a street that they likely never went down or drove on didn’t need to be named for Dr. King & a few Sambo’s decided to help. I mean I am confused other ways to honor him? So I assume these black folks that partook in this will be helping to erect a statue in his honor? Rename a school

How tall are you? I’m nearly 6'3" and my knees are pretty much in the back of the seat without them reclining. I’m okay with them reclining a little but there’s a point where they have to stop. If you recline all the way back, my confrontational attitude is going to come knocking.