

AOC continues to do the right thing with style, I see.

a former mayor of chicago, the city where 70% of your property taxes go to pay off mismanaged pension funds, is now an adviser in the financial industry.

get rid of the olds.

*Please bring me out of the greys* So I can give the people an important message:

Don’t be shy. You can say it too. It can’t be said enough about this craven opportunistic corrupt fuckface. 

I say this in all sincerity, Fuck Rahm Emmanuel!!

“Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while always a long shot to prevent.”


Or, more than likely, they don’t fucking care. All they care about is “I got mine, I want mine to keep rolling in, so, fuck you”.

Justice Democrats should primary all of them.  Every single "Democrat" that has say idly by while the floodwaters are pouring into our collective living rooms should be challenged directly and loudly.  All of them that have let the governmental system fail time and again until the swamp scum of Trump was not only

I think Chuck Schumer is my least favorite Democrat in office.

I wish I could tattoo this on the back of party leaders’ hands: “Republican turnout will be high no matter what. Republicans will make up lies and.mobilize their base no matter what. Republicans will oppose every thing you do no matter what.”

Reason #35 why the ‘old guard’ needs to go. If you have 10 AOC’s in charge, shit will change. 

yea, wouldn’t want the conservatives to pretend to be the victim! What’s that? It happens whether the Democrats fight back or not?

its almost as if impossibly old and rich people cannot truly grasp the do or die fight that we are engaged in.

Biggest post-election mistake? Letting these folks continue running the show. 

I vote for “Splinter only cares and reports on the Sanders campaign” personally.

I’m not criticizing him. I’m laughing at him. There’s a difference.

I’m unsure what the point of this stunt was, other than, what, PR? He’s like MacGregor thinking since he’s good at fighting he can take on Mayweather in his sport, on his turf, and win. That’s not how it works. You want to beat the shit out of someone, you make them come to your house and fight by your rules. If you