
I am, too. It’s way more than “toxic bros” - that sounds like an excuse to me. I’m a woman, and Gillibrand reminds me of an unlikable and incompetent woman I work with who is always using “sexism” as the sole reason for why she never gets promoted. This doesn’t mean that sexism at work does not exist, but like

But have you ever considered that Warren might be beating her because of sexism?

Oh I agree that Gillibrand is firmly a party mainstreamer. But that doesn’t mean she couldn’t build a big book of support (see: Joe Biden).

“Toxic bros”? Really? Consider: Maybe Kirsten just kind of sucks and there’s zero appetite out there, among wither men or women, for a Wall St lawyer turned political opportunist. And that maybe she was kneecapping a perceived political rival in Franken rather than making a principled stand. When Republicans are

I don’t often say this about a politician, but the more I learn about her, the more I like Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously.

Depressingly plausible.

My vote? Time-traveling tourists. Sightings are increasing because we’re getting closer to WWIII, a popular destination in time for history buffs.

The whole article is worth a read, but here’s my favorite/dear lord help us all moment. After going on and on about how his appearance is keeping him from attracting the women he so deserves, Truth4Lies then drops this little nugget on us:

I hope someone tries to tell that to the friend I have who was smacked around by her ex-serviceman ex-husband. She is no shrinking violet herself, and would probably respond with the exact words of your last sentence.

And that’s the way it used to be. Most of the people who fought for the US in WWII returned home and resumed their lives. Sure there were things that honored their service here and there, but they didn’t need to go through their lives being thanked for their service every single day. They did what needed to be done

Yep. I know some people who are vets that don’t bring it up unless *absolutely* necessary because they’re that tired of the “thank you for your service” thing

Yeah that’s another group using the ‘stress of the job’ bullshit to justify being total shitstains. 

It’s not a coincidence that the military has high rates of domestic violence and abuse of women in general.

Those people are later called cops. 

It’s almost inconceivable how fucking tired I am of almost being expected to fellate someone just by virtue of the fact that they were in the military

This. I know there are some fine people serving, even who owe their direction in life to their military service. But damn if I dont also know some lowlifes who have inflicted hell on their families and friends, only to drink deeply at the trough of veterans’ discounts, plaudits and the occasional ovation at a farm lea

well stop voting republican soldiers.

You can be the biggest POS in the world but then go “I served in the military” and magically you’re the best person in the world.

We can do two things.

How about we put people in charge of the VA that aren’t cretins?