
It’s going to be so metal the day he just explodes into fucking flames. Like, I’ve met a lot of liars, especially when I was interning at a middle school and dealt with some unruly kids..but this is beyond the pale of normal lying. It seems he is quite literally incapable of telling the truth.

Your administration oversaw the internment of children into those cages, irrespective of whomever they were built by—and your DHS, led by your own hand-picked leadership (which you’ve now rotated out at the behest of the middle-aged racist cue ball constantly shadowing your every step) defended that internment until

“Hate hoax”

The narrative where we’re not supposed to mention raising taxes as a bad thing? Or where lowering taxes for the rich was supposed to help the middle class? Which narrative is it?

This isnt a call to destroy all of the highways in the country. The point is to eliminate them needlessly passing right through the hearts of downtowns (looking at you 20/59 currently being completely reconstructed through Birmingham, AL) which creates physical and, weirdly enough, often economic barriers which divide

Two quick observations:

Nah, fuck him. You get disability sympathy when you aren’t trying to turn America into Gilead But Less Humane.

Unfortunately being Chaotic Evil affords +5 defense, as well as the 20% resistance afforded by being of the Turtle Man race.

Dude, seriously, I usually just dismiss or ignore your stupidity, but this is too good.

The only problem is that he didn’t hit his head on the ground and was killed instantly. 

Why would we expect any different from the person appointed by the “president” to ultimately oversee the investigation of the self-same “president.” Also interesting to note that Barr’s son-in-law is a legal advisor to the president as of February. No conflict of interest to see here folks. Ethically, everything is

I have nothing snarky to say about his use of his mom and sister in his campaign ad. That is just simply appalling. And really anger-inducing that they’d go against the three women who made the allegations.

More of the “slow-walk” bullshit that was mentioned in the article about trying to get Trump’s tax returns. Just play fucking dirty for once.

What is there to act in an ‘adult’ way about? The current administration is actively committing crimes, stonewalling investigations, (likely) committing outright obstruction of justice on a scale we haven’t seen since Reagan. The people involved in the investigation who have been hit are facing massive jail time for

That “acting like adults” thing has really been working out well for them, hasn’t it.

We all have PTSD concerning the behavior exemplified by certain individuals these past several years. The Dems are pumping the brakes and attempting to act like adults. I think we are losing sight of that.

Nothing cruel about it. Callous maybe, but its nice to see them take the ride they bought the tickets for.

I notice that at no point was it mentioned that the reason bins are so full this year is because of Trump’s trade war making it impossible for farmers to sell their crops overseas last year.

This will occur more often. So will the worse things such as drought and violent weather and even extreme alteration in the normal progression of seasons.

Socialism for me but not for thee.