
Is it Alzheimers?

Baracka is literally a troll.

Jen Kirkman, is that you? Id heard they had you 5150’d...

These guys. My dad is one of these guys, the “harmless” “charming” older white guys who think their attention is invariably flattering and anyone who disagrees needs to “relax”. I spent my entire childhood watching him make women squirm. Fuck these guys.

Well Hamilton also would have preferred we be led by some RICH sociopathic buffoon from his precious Wall Street.

Actually, the electoral college was created because James Madison and Alexander Hamilton knew that the general public was full of idiotic simpletons, and they didn’t want to trust them to directly vote for president, lest they elect some narcissistic sociopathic buffoon who preys on their basest fears.

I posted probably the 5,000th article highlighting Conservative hypocrisy to my Facebook a few weeks back. Most of the time I get replies from Racist Uncle or Super Conservative friend giving me some “both sides” crap or something about Hillary’s Emails.

You’re missing another wonderful part of this story which was that she was that she was suspended after allegations she made against her boss that he endangered national security by breaking the law and flouting security procedures. 

This is more than enough reason for Democrats to stop being cowards and impeach the motherfucker.  

Yep. She doesn’t give a single fuck.


*looks at pictures*

In 2019, next to a MAGA hat, is there a bigger red flag than a middle aged white guy with a goatee?

I have a theory

Thanks for that Chuck, Nancy, and the rest of the Democrats.   Hope that AIPAC cash was worth spreading evil and hate in the world.  

They rarely attended, once daddy’s check cleared...

Succinctly put. That is precisely how these man-children have been acting. 

Honestly that’s an old image from like the Chuck Norris joke era of the internet. Back when it was epic to have like, Lincoln on a T-Rex with an uzi.

There is a lot of rightful scorn for the boomer generation and the myriad ways in which they’ve fucked over a variety of systems, but I often see sentiments like ‘oh, things will be better when that generation has died off’. And it’s like hmmmmnah, not magically so- this generation has a lot of hope for sure, but the

We need to keep electoral college so that everyone in these low populated states has representation. /s