Here we go: Why should I vote? Obama and Trump are the same.
Your name checks out.
Here we go: Why should I vote? Obama and Trump are the same.
Your name checks out.
Oh fuck I felt the heat off that burn from here.
Can we please cancel Chuck Schumer? He’s basically Joe Lieberman with fewer friends.
Yeah when you do the right thing against those in power, the floodgates open for you.
Hey troll, fuck all-the-way off.
It’s funny, because she’s talking about Mueller as foreplay to impeachment, which was never going to happen.
This was depressingly well-played.
It’s also true of Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Indiana, big swathes of Illinois outside of Chicago and the B-N area...the list goes on.
Ignorant chucklefucks who worry more about what a thing is called than what it does live all over, unfortunately.
Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted.
You’re just being a disingenuous shitface at this point.
With a country as large as your own, you need something to stop a few megacities controlling everything
You’re saying the racist part loud again.
But your username clearly says you live HERE. You’ve been lying this whole time, which is both rude and a crime.
The republican party hates democracy. The republican party hates America. It is the only explanation as to why they work so hard to suppress the voice of the majority.
And the exemption for farmers is ridiculous.
This will never stand up in the SCOTUS. Doesn’t NZ realize it is violating the 2nd amendment? Freedom isn’t free and Jesus died for your right to bear arms. *has aneurysm. World is better place*
I hope this successfully gets through all of NZ’s stages of lawmaking, because I’d like to have a more contemporary example of why it’s bullshit to respond to mass shootings with tweets and speeches.
No, in ADDITION to.
“I can only hope that serious historians and other experts do their homework and resist falling for this myth.”
Translation: “I can only hope enough people with access to publishing houses (and a set of academic credentials) who happen to have a vested interest in casting the run-up to and execution of the second Iraq…
Does the Texas Board of Education still influence all the text book decisions nationwide? I never understood how that could be a thing.