Trying to fire the special counsel is one of the classic blunders. Just under the top 2. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is never get involved with a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Trying to fire the special counsel is one of the classic blunders. Just under the top 2. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is never get involved with a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Arcanine and Flareon don’t have max CPs that are *THAT* low. I’m really hoping part of the gym fix is limiting each gym to one of each Pokemon, so the Pokemon that normally max out in the 2700/2800 range can get a chance to shine (those guys, Golem, Exeggutor, Espeon, Donphan, etc)
This one time, I had a boss who invited me out to lunch. When I got there, I realized I was the only invitee. He put his hand on my leg and said, “I hope we are going to have a great working relationship.”
“The Predisent is new at this. He’s new to the truth, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between reality, honesty, and accountability. He’s just new to this.”
Sweet mercy, that commenter could have had a family, and you just straight killed him with no hesitation.
2KM, 5KM or 10KM eggs?
How can you get incubators? Spending coins. How can you get coins? Winning in gyms. Gives you 10 coins per 24hours from a gym. What when you don’t have gyms nearby or your pokemons are too weak to win anything? Oh look. You can buy coins for real cash. So, if it’s not microtransactions than what?
You guys got Trump, we get Pokemon Go.
His daddy should have pulled out.
These assholes keep out-assholing themselves!
Hate Trumps Dignity
“ideology is not the sole bond between conservative evangelicals and Donald Trump. His dictator-lite charisma is essential to his appeal. To the majority of Americans—those who did not vote for him—Trump has all the allure of the boorish boss who takes too many liberties at the staff Christmas party. But his…
All right everybody, take a deep breath and bask in all the well-deserved L’s Orange Julius Caesar is taking...then let’s shift our focus back to fixing the problems that got him the job in the first place. One of which is convincing our elected officials (of all parties) to listen to us instead of the money...
Oh so now he believes in evolution!
It’ll be the tidiest little wall, made of fine Canadian pine...
2017 Call of Duty: WWII
this is the ugliest building you can find. It completely ruined skyline of the city.
it was great. Kylo Ren was not Darth Vader, he was every dipshit who is obsessed with how badass Darth Vader is. he still projects an aura of fear, but it’s not the fear of an elemental force of destruction.
it’s the fear of a school shooter.