
No, you usually hit runways with guided ordinance designed to penetrate down to the concrete slabs beneath the top coat of asphalt which is far more difficult and time-consuming to fix. The Tomahawk cruise missile isn’t designed for that sort of application.

Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.

Will the music be as good?

He supports free-market solutions for people with autism. Like...uhhhh...private companies taking the place of medicaid and disability assistance, I guess. Or churches doing it or whatever or...look, just shut up and read Atlas Shrugged, ok? It explains it all in there.

i bet his fucking face is even more repellant.

Habeas corpus? We speak English here, take that talk back to Latin America.

Right?! This is 1-2 and everything else is a pretender.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

There definitely are corps and players that seek to aid new players and help out others. Or others that do so in their own way by going to war against these more troll-ish corps, having them fight someone their own size and thus occupying their time so they can’t go after new players.

This is the first time I’ve genuinely smiled since you know when, so . . . .

“Us Dems” need to realize that shit takes time. That every additional thing is a brick in the wall of a case. One of the biggest mistakes I keep seeing made is some of us thinking that there is one thing that takes him down. No, a case of things will take him down.

I assume that a bunch of guys like Manafort, Stone, etc., will take the fall and Trump will get off scot free.

Now playing

Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...

That’s not tenting his fingers, it’s praying. It’s his resting pose.


I guaran-damn-tee that she’s pro-Assad. Assadists hate most other Syrians. Assad himself has said that Syrian refugees are terrorists, and his amoral, braindead followers agree with everything he says.

She is a good white wealthy Syrian, those are allowed.

My cat is a Russian Blue and cares about the Russia issue because I think that he might be a Russian spy.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you want common sense gun restrictions? Start a bad-ass, gun-toting feminist/LGBTQ/BLM militia - complete with tricked out assault rifles and small unit tactics training. Guns will be completely banned within the year. Tisk-tisking about crazy Republican’s and their gun

Problem solved: