Bobcat Sig

He is a republican and good things are not allowed to be posted about them on Gawker sites.

Well, of course “creepy.” Because, you know, Gawker and Republicans. Any chance to take a shot.

I personally prefer the adjectives you used though.

I say this as a liberal, but up until he united with this cabal, he was an apolitical public servant who served his country because he gave a shit. I don’t know what the hell happened to him, but people forget the vast majority of his career he was considered a level headed peace maker well respected on both sides of

Creepy? Is that really the most apt word here? Sad, somber, sobering, historic, candid, humanizing, evocative, emotional, even polarizing, sure. But creepy?

Buy her a Panamera, buy yourself a better 928, “accidentally” rear end her, write off Panamera, and swap engine into 928

Which translates to Craigslist speak as:

DAMN dat truck!

Drums are enough of a pain that they’re reason enough to do a disc conversion.

Pro tip- removing the exhaust fixes the radio problem.

Could we potentially bring this back? What happened to hood ornaments?

Tasteful is the key word.

I think his comment took a wrong turn at Albequerque.

You mean function, not form?

I assume you don’t believe that an AC condenser should have any airflow over it, or that air could be needed to cool electric motors or batteries?

Can I give you more stars?

The hell they’re not.

This headline should read. “If You Still Don’t Get The Alfa Romeo 4C, You’re Banned From This Site.”

If broccoli pizza had Ferrari badges on it you woudl be saying it’s the most delicious pizza ever.

If anyone ever asks you why you ride a dirt bike on the street, you tell them “because you can’t ride a street bike in dirt”.

I guess you could say they...