wagons no longer look like 1985 Volvo 240s.
wagons no longer look like 1985 Volvo 240s.
For ingress and egress, sure, but now that everyone is buying crossovers, that visibility advantage that comes with a higher seating position is no longer there.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc.
It’s like a sedan but more practical without the drawbacks of a crossover. Not a deep concept.
I don’t know if it’s the same down there, but up here, Redlight Cameras border on the useless. I’ve seen them go off from someone who logically couldn’t stop in time for an intersection (Light just went yellow in the rain, or a semi right on their tail). I’ve seen them go off on the wrong car. Then there’s the…
Where I live, red light cameras skirt around the Constitutional issues by being classified as purely civil penalties rather than criminal penalties. So they can attack your credit score but not put you in jail if you refuse to pay.
Shit’s not fair - absent policing at its best and revenue generator at its worst.
You might want to rethink that. Mats Järlström is the guy that pissed off Oregon so badly for pointing out red light cameras had a flaw that ticketed innocent people, the state of Oregon tried to fine him into silence. He took his case to federal court and won.
That’s true but not the point. Red light cameras are simply unsportsmanlike.
I’m in favor of red light cameras. Running a red light is fucking dangerous.
My non-lawyer understanding is that the issues with red light cameras come more from the “right to confront your accuser” point of view. If an automated system chooses to snap a photo then you don’t ever get to actually confront that system and make it justify its actions.
Except you have the right to face your accuser.
Haven’t read the opinion, but a couple of key difference. First, red light cameras are not the physical intrusion upon your property that chalking is. Second, chalking happens while your vehicle is legally parked to determine if at some future point it becomes illegally parked; a red light camera is used while you are…
I’ll let you legal eagles debate the merits of this, but can we extend this to red light cameras somehow? Shit’s not fair - absent policing at its best and revenue generator at its worst
we don’t even have proper punishments in effect for people who murder people by texting and driving, but you can bet your ass a death via THC will be an immediate hanging.
The problem this year was headlines in our region screamed that flu cases were already ramping up late-September, so I got the vaccine early October. Now I’m going to be flipping my shit by March because no one can seem to agree on how much protection declines in 6 months.
Or they work in a hospital, nursing home, or any number of different places where they regularly come into contact with vulnerable people. If it’s a known condition of employment, and you don’t like it, you’re free to find a job elsewhere.
I work at a place where if you don’t get a flu shot without a legitimate medical excuse, you’re asked to look for a job elsewhere. I wish more places would do that. Then the anti-vaccination assholes would have a lot more free time to spend being smug and not infecting others