On the other hand, they do make it a lot easier to split stopped traffic on the bike.
On the other hand, they do make it a lot easier to split stopped traffic on the bike.
Add to that people who don’t pull the fuck forward when stopped behond other vehicles at a traffic light.
**I can no longer have children
Your loss...
I did 1,300 in 24 hours on the tail end of a trip around the US and Canada a few years back. I woke up in Deming, NM and rode 18 hours (with multiple stops, natch) to Biloxi, MS.
It damn near broke me, and the only thing that kept me going across Texas was the promise of a Waffle House at the Louisiana state line.
“Update: The race bike has been found”
Anyone dumb enough to steal something they can’t sell deserves to get caught beaten.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve never put on a motorcycle helmet and wished, gee, I wish I could have a distracting display pop up, answer a call, or have 1/4 of my view of the front obscured by a view of the rear at all times.
I got my ‘13 Ninja 300 for $4200. Oh and it’s a fun bike, with more that enough power and speed to get you in trouble.
automotive helmet ≠ motorcycle helmet
Look up, then down. Look up again.
Who drives a car, in which vision is already reduced.
Fit would probably be the biggest reason for going with Arai over a Shoei or other high-end brand. The Arais always seemed a little nicer in terms of weight/material quality, but they fit me like a torture device* so I wear a Shoei.
laughed way to hard at this. i know those feels.