Bobcat Sig

I lived in Montana for two decades. Just because you didn’t need them was either dependent on your location -wester Montana is very different than eastern Montana- and for others, AWD with snow tires is hands down, the best combination.

Agreed that it does change things.

Indeed. Honda, on many occasions, has stated that this bike is to be 50/50 on/off-road.

Came here to say that. Most dirty guys I know that ride a lot of trails, ultimately end up with a Rekluse.

You know, they make this stuff called paint.

And you just illustrated why Uber, and it’s similar services, have been so disruptive. A rider can get a ride, know the location of said ride and its progress and that will show up.

That’s one example and it does not make it the norm. I’ve had enough poor experiences with cabs in over two dozens cities and only one poor Uber experience in a dozen cities.

Often, you can upgrade your seat upon check in for much less than what you would have paid when you booked the ticket.

I mean, I want to care. Until other states get any sort of lane splitting or filtering, it’s hard to get on board with this.

With Hayden is on his way to WSBK, I’m about to that point.

Those are great bikes. And not too shabby in the dirty stuff. Sure, it won’t rip single tracks and sand is kind of terrible, but with some TKC 80s and the front end up, it’s pretty fun.

This whole thread wins the internet for the day. Well done, sirs or madams.

This. This is the best response.

Wait, so the only reason you don’t like any of the Kriega backpacks is because they might be perceived as a parachute pack? Did I read the correctly? That’s the only reason?

Haven’t you heard? Portland is fully of ‘creatives.’ It’s only fitting that the font would match. After all, homeskillet that penned that note was likely out of work.

As a native Portlander that just moved back to Stump Town, there really is a disproportionate number of hipsters in Portland. And the general weirdos that accompany those smarmy hipsters is also greater than most.

As a native Portlander, I’m surprised I’m not dead from cancer.

As a native Portlander; you nailed it.

Excuse me while I go vomit.

Came here to say this. Left happy.