True Boomer

“You really have to ask yourself, what’s more plausible—that I would purposely torpedo my career by making statements about powerful figures in Hollywood, that, if untrue, could be easily refuted. Or a handful people in positions of power said and did terrible things in order to maintain that power during a massive

Jenny Agutter FTW.

Or hunt your own turkeys

The best ratio of taste to pain-in-the-butt is like the 10-15 pound range anyway.

If only VW and Toyota could team up on cars... they’d be able to build something with the excitement and engagement of a Prius C and the reliability and serviceability of a Touareg diesel!

Awww, I loved Dart 2.0.

She’s not an anti-vaxxer. She just doesn’t trust anything Trump says is a vaccine or cure for COVID. And she did say:

Can’t blame them, it’s a much nicer color. 

They knew exactly who he was and that’s what they wanted.

Under the Skin really bothered me. The scene with the “individual” left on the beach has kept me from rewatching it. It’s so cold and heartbreaking.

Bill Paxton’s Frailty. A well done flick and it woke me up to the realization that nuts out there are acting on what they think is God’s will. Unnerving. More so now.

Everyone saw Titanic. EVERYONE.

If Phantasm isn’t considered a classic, it darn well should be. Far more interesting than than most of the slashers out at the time, it had a solid motivational through-line for its characters through all of its sequels, and Angus Scrimm gives one of the best performances of any horror villain out there. And it just

Remdesivir is basically Spice Melange.

Unless you buy California olive oil. Then you know what you’re getting.