True Boomer

Don't forget the genetic manipulations.

Amazing from 1930 then Analog from 1960 until now. I read Dune as serials over a couple years before it was published as a novelActually I wonder if they ended the movie where the first serial ended.

Perdido Station is right up there with Dhalgren as one of the great science fiction novels.

I’d like the chumps who listen to him and give him money to be neutered and barred from voting.

Making at most 1 episode a month that certainly must be exhausting . Compare it to Supernatural which in the same period (2005-2020) managed twice that. 

That's really that ugly to you? There must twenty CUV/SUV that are nearly indistinguishable from that, long as the tents up.

I don’t know where you live but where I live Nissan doesn’t sell these, they never did. And you can’t buy what they don’t sell. The closest they came was the Quest. I had the Villager clone and it was comfortable and got 29 if you kept it to 65mph on the hwy. I usually got 27. I had it about ten years and traded it

As a stopgap you can rig a hammock over the back seat and have room for three. 

How does it compare to the Rav4 Prime which has many similarities to this but is a plug in hybrid and is a bit less expensive and probably is more reliable.

Steal =$. 

It fails because the Republicans hate poor people more than they love America.


I did vote to get us out of ongoing wars. Finally we have a president with the balls to get out of a hopeless situation and go home.  

Dodge Dart/Plymouth Valiant.

Those were the years when Crysler products wouldn’t start if it was rainy.   My brother used the pencil trick frequently on his 62 Plymouth.

They would do 75 all day long in the 1960s if you weren’t worried about tickets. Today who knows if the “good” frame will hold up.

The first Black president doesn’t deserve a library specially one in a black neighborhood.  What a miserable attitude.

Half finished?

Often the NIMBY complaints are legit. 

Much further back in time than that. In Europe it was standard practice back at least from 800 CE. It shows up in the Old Testament and one imagines prehistoric troglodytes were paid by the axe head made and not by hours worked.