Yeah, no. Maybe something you personally wouldn’t do, but that means nothing larger picture. Though distribution of revenge porn is definitely poor judgement, and one punishable by law.
Yeah, no. Maybe something you personally wouldn’t do, but that means nothing larger picture. Though distribution of revenge porn is definitely poor judgement, and one punishable by law.
No, I’m minimizing bad behavior when it’s minimally bad. Yeah, she shouldn’t have been fooling around with someone on her staff, but really at the end of the day, it’s bush league. As far as I can tell, no one was getting jerked around, or blackmailed, or anything else. Meanwhile, there’s a psychopath who has clearly…
Two things can be true at once:
1) Revenge porn is bad.
this almost certainly means that the allegation that she paid one of the affair partners a bonus was accurate.
I’m actually ok with her resigning, but I’d like to know where the nude photos came from, bc that needs to be investigated and prosecuted. As mentioned, releasing those is a crime, and should be treated as such. Revenge porn is a crime. That needs to be looked into.
Sadly, she’s hardly the first victim of performative heteronormativity.
We knew both times but didn’t tell anyone, partly to avoid being deluged with pink or blue. All we told people was the theme of the nursery: the forest. Kid #1 arrived the year owls became a thing, so we got a lot of owl shit. Kid #2 arrived with the shark fad, so now we’ve got sharks living in the forest.…
I assume the challenge in thinking is that there is also a revenge porn aspect. I can think it was bad that she had an affair with a subordinate and also think her ex-husband is a scum bag who should be prosecuted for leaking nude photos of her. But not everyone can hold multiple truths.
To me it’s is less in how inappropriate it is, and more the fact that she’s resigning while many, many men have held onto positions of power for doing far worse. I applaud her for doing the honorable thing, but also feel sad over the fact that Roy Moore got to stay on the ballot while being a pedophile. She also…
I can kind of see where these “jump from event to event” people are coming from, though. My husband and I are childfree. I just went through a depressive episode because we literally have no events or milestones to look forward to now - no baby showers, no first birthday parties, no first day of school, no…
The problem with these types of superior-subordinate relationships is that even if it is legitimate, it will be rightfully questioned.
She slept with a subordinate. That’s bad news, regardless of whatever her husband did or didn’t do.
We never found out gender until our babies were born. I genuinely didn’t care and just wanted healthy babies. I also hated being pregnant.
I find she really has a knack for elucidating the synergistic entanglements in a dynamic market-driven and fact forward manner!
Lol. I was going to say that this was 20 year old me when I was writing papers and wanted to impress my professor with big words. Little did I know, I just came across as a pretentious try hard. Ivanka seems to have never learned that lesson.
How dare you.
“Effectuate” annoys me because “effect” is not only a shorter word, it’s also semantically correct.
We could definitely play business jargon bingo with what she says:
Subtitled, “Using Nepotism to Architect Your Future.”
In her book Women Who Work