Travis Sibley

I am incredibly charming and charismatic and am NOT a psychopath thank you very much. All the severed heads in my fridge tell me so.

“How to Tell If You’re Dating a Psycopath With Jen Waite & Michael Stone”

Absolute madness. Here’s a photo from the helicopter of Travis putting a wheel over the abyss

If your gonna try and be a black woman at least get butt implants to with your boob implants..

Is it common for two in one day? Is this the new normal?

I have a warning about befriending Muslims around Ramadan. Last time I did it was with some tenants I had. Late one day, one of them came running to my office in a panic saying there was a leak in his apartment and everything was getting soaked. I raced over there with my giant wrench to turn off the water and found

Being able to obsessively read about politics and think that minor political shifts are the worse thing that could possibly happen to you seems pretty privileged to me. People dealing with job or financial insecurity, political unrest, epidemics, or even sick relatives have bigger things to worry about than

Sing and play the lyre and watch it burn! 

Realize that the world is nowhere near as dreadful, crazy, or dangerous as it was in say 1980, 1940, 1915 or any time prior to 1900 when nearly half (or more) of people born didn’t make it past age 5, and the overwhelming majority of those who did survive past age 5 endured a short and very hard life in extreme

Actually, all this crazy shit is my muse. Under the guise of the Chamomile Tea Party, I take old posters and remix them with new text and imagery about the sorry state of American political discourse. So, every day I’m getting new material.

Agree. I have a friend in his 50s who has never felt able to fully come out to his family (although I’m 90% sure they know), and it has ruined every serious relationship he’s ever had. I feel really sad for older people who get mocked for not coming out earlier, when the society they lived in was immeasurably

Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!

Your idea of “bad laws” and mine are completely different. Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like. The idea of adding political rhetoric to a site that is not designed for such things is where some of the “fake news” originates. I am one that is exasperated at the idea that those in

If it’s meant to encourage all sales, why does it incentivize employees to sell fewer new games/systems and more pre-owned games/systems?

Well.  If you don’t start in the morning, you can’t drink all day.

“Unique”=there is some weird shit going on in this house that all your friends are going to talk about behind your back if you buy it. Like there’s only one bathroom and it’s in the basement.

This phrase sold me on my house: Nicely arranged collection of wood, brick and glass. Never farted in.

“Lots of personality” = everything is broken or not working as it should.

Also to avoid: words that can haunt you years later.