Travis Sibley

I hate this video, but they’re not breaking the law. What they’re guilty of, is not going above and beyond what a normal and logical human would do. These guys are not different than any guys that do any telephone pole work I’m sure. They know Comcast/the Towns Policy, and they’re following it.

I think he oughta go on a long ride with Large Marge.

This is why we cannot have nice things

Rye is great, you take that back!

Well then, I guess he’s shit

I work with a lot of people from different parts of the world, which can result in hilarious miscommunication and rage-inducing moments (don’t chew with your mouth open!).

Ummmmm I used to be very good friends with a girl who, one day, made this statement with a straight face: “I don’t wash my hands after going pee. Why would I?? It’s not like I pee all over my hands...”

I thought that was just Montreal? Don’t tell me Toronto is filled with fake French people too. Jesus

My male coworkers have an impressive ability to be out of the bathroom before the urinal is done flushing. Absolutely vile.

I know what to tell those people: you are garbage humans. Join the rest of us in the 21st century.

For sale: cozy bungalow, geothermal heating.

Sure it looks like a dramatic transformation, but you have to remember that the lighting’s very different, and it’s probably sucking in for the “after” shot.

Either your keyboard is broken or you’re hella drunk.

Soooo...Mt St. Helens seems like it should be hot but is actually cold inside?

The before and after is always kind of cool to see:

Coyote Peterson

Red on yella, kill a fella.

Wow. It looks so striking! Like all coral snakes, I suppose.

Because he can.

admit many other people clicked on this waiting for that crazy dude who gets bit by shit to show how bad it is???