
N’Dare falls in love with and marries American photojournalist David Munroe. They move to Harlem in uptown New York City, where Ororo is born.

It’s fascinating that such a large percentage of the twitter replies and comments here are variants on the “Well, actually” theme.

It doesn’t matter if Greatest Show on Earth came out first, if Incas was the movie they watched and said, “Base the costume on that.”

Here come the mansplainers to mansplain mansplaining to us.

Nope, it has to do with men automatically assuming that women know less than them even when the women in question are experts in their fields.

December 1976 in Uncanny X-Men #102 written by Chris Claremont. So no, not a retcon.

Who says that is what roots entails? I don’t consider myself having roots anywhere that I personally have not lived.

Again: she was born there and then returned there when she was an adult. There are a bunch of flashbacks to her living in Harlem in Black Panther and the Crew. Her father lived almost his entire life, which is why she moved back there, so those are the roots we are talking about.

Literal: she was born in Harlem before her parents moved to Cairo. Later on, when she was an adult, she moved back to Harlem and lived there for a bit.

Zombie Dragon burning down the wall is an infinitely more striking and compelling image than the Night King blowing on a horn.

I could see him being horrified at Trump, since as a new yorker he represents everything hank claims to hate. He’d be 100% a Jeb Man.

And named his dog Lady Bird. Which always made me feel he had a bit more of a Dixiecrat or Libertarian view at times (the later of which I thought of especially during the trans fats episode or whatever it was).

and he did let Jimmy Carter broker peace between him and Cotton, even though he ended up letting Cotton shoot up Jimmy’s car

Battlefield Earth > The Santa Clause.

Well, that and Tim Allen and likability is often kind of a mixed bag. Even when he’s trying for it.

At least he’ll always have Pixar. And Galaxy Quest, where they actually managed to translate his ego into a character where it sort of becomes an endearing flaw that they manage to convincingly have him get the fuck over

Jingle All The Way > The Santa Clause

These days, there is no funny, likable conservative character. Sorry that your kind shat all over yourselves these last few years, but here we are.

Bad Santa > The Santa Clause

I really have no sympathy for people who voted Republican and then complained when they tried take there healthcare. They’re jerks. It’s the “good people”, I’m scared for, really.

Also, Republicans continuing to whine about “Hollywood elites” getting involved in politics when they elected—and are still defending—the host of Celebrity Apprentice is downright insulting.