
I am not saying GD is not obnoxious. She is. Didn’t used to be. In the beginning, she looked like a deer in headlights. I don’t know how long you have been aware of it, but I found TFN when is was filmed in a borrowed studio, and Sarah Moulton took calls live on a 2 hour show. Back in the late 90’s. But when Scripps

I did not realize she is ill (though now it’s nagging at my mind). Last thing; she may be dumbing it down for “housewives”, yet not put corn-nuts and the least appealing aesthetics of all time together. We housewives can do a tad bit better even if we don’t know how to use utensils yet.

Inaaaaaaa!! God I love that Hamptons-living chicken-roasting Jeffrey-loving flower-arranging popped-collar having best friend to the gays.


I used to read her blog, but it got to be too much for me. But, I’ve been known to use her recipes when them come up in a search, and they never fail me.

She’s nuttier than squirrel shit. If you look at any recipes, you will notice the entire kitchen set changes to “match”the “food".

That was a lightening bolt for my husband too, he kind of lightly made fun of their dynamic and I unleashed the power of google on him. He now refers to them as the Power Couple Who Sailed Away to the Hamptons. And honestly, it’s pretty much our life goal.

I want Ina and Jeffrey to adopt me. I’ll live in your (very fancy) barn, Ina!!!!

Wow, a Bob’s Burgers themed comment AND user name. I need more stars dammit!

Half a vat of donkey sauce? He keeps that much in his arteries.

See thats the thing with Bourdain.. He is (was) a chef and now a food critic. He speaks to the food and to the experience of it. If you can get past him being a dick (tall order because he is the personifcation of a penis) he is amazing. Guy Fieri acts like food isnt enough and has to spice it up and act like a

Of all the things you could call seasoned mayo, why oh why oh why did he go with “Donkey Sauce?” NO ONE has good thoughts after hearing that.

Mayo on hamburgers is one of the most vile, disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to taste. The only upside to not eating bread anymore because of gluten is that I will never again get a burger with unlisted, stealth mayo.

But isn’t that kind of why we love Bourdain? He’s that unabashed asshole friend that we all have and we like him better because of it.

I went to a concert on Sunday and wanted a burger to absorb the large beer I was drinking. I went to the stand and they were only offering Guy Fieri brand products. I didn’t want to support his crap, but I wanted the burger so I walked up to a counter and asked for a burger without “Donkey Sauce” (which is effing

I take it that this doesn’t become a dudefight until Fieri starts punching back? Because I so want to write up that tale of the tape.

Guy you’re a grown man with bleached hair in a flame costume. I refuse to believe you actually care what people say about you.

Apropos of nothing, I prefer “‘cause” to “‘cos.”

When Fieri stops styling himself after an albino hedgehog then maybe he can tell people to stop making fun of him.