
Believe it or not, the three older Kardashian sisters have also "written" a novel that is described as "an addictively entertaining novel about an exciting, high-profile, complicated family with a huge heart and a lot of love."

I read the excerpt. Impossible as it may be to believe, the answer to your question is a resounding "yes".

I read the first part on Amazon with the 'Look Inside' option. Actually it's not bad. I think they have a good start and the characters are . . . NAW! I'm just messin' with ya'! It was total shit.

While I'm really late to the party, I want to address a couple of things.

True Blood invented characters too, so do a lot of tv shows based on books. Tv and books are different media, I don't expect tv shows to follow a book to the letter. And sure, she's an invented character but her story arch follows the generally dark and rapey character of the GoT books and tv show so I don't see what

Where exactly are all these people mad at HBO? I cant find anyone beyond about 5 people on Jezebel.

The warranty on it is just so good.

Funny, because to me it's about love, courage, the unknown, devotion to family. Breaker, that scene evokes chills in everyone I've ever shared it with. Yes, there's a fair amount of delightful Hooper excess and noise, but it's mostly a Spielberg meditation on family. Jerry Goldsmith wrote nearly 300 film scores, but

One of the funniest lines ever.

Take a look at the bike dude.

Growing up, I was the only one out of three kids that genuinely enjoyed watching horror movies, so I got used to watching them alone (even though I'd be scared out of my wits and then unable to sleep...). Even now, I usually watch horror movies alone because the fiance hates them, so when he's not home for a long

These claims regarding the "fanaticism" of Dawkins or Hitchens or Harris are insipid. They are no more valid than claiming NASA is fanatical about the shape of the Earth or molecular biologists are fanatical about the existence of DNA.

The only way to uphold belief in the supernatural (which gods are part of), is by watering down the term so much that nothing of its original meaning remains, and what's left is a hollow shell you can fill with whatever meaning you want. That's what "modern theology" does: redefining terms so they can cling to their

I usually don't comment so late because by now everything's been said, but after seeing your comment I somehow feel the need to address this. I am what you would call a "strong atheist", and I don't consider the position that there certainly is no god to be indefensible or held by people of lesser intelligence. Let me

Almost all Teabaggers are racists. There, is that better?

And I suppose that those scientists are the only ones that are correct, right?

(Pssst: So was I!)

Now playing

Keep this one on the monitor too for just such an emergency.

Pat is one of the Old Ones. You don't want to piss off one of the Old Ones.