
Is the Pro controller better than, say, the Xbox One Elite controller?

I pay over $70US per paycheck (I get paid every 2 weeks) for not even a quarter of the benefits you get.

I am incredibly annoyed by the introduction of timed shit like this in this style of game (SP/MP Hybrid). It is so annoying, in fact, that I’ve stopped playing FFXV (a game I absolutely loved and sank tons of time into) and am hesitant to even get started in MHW because of them.

I never got around to playing this. If it were on the backwards compatibility list, I’d pick it up again. I sold my 360 so I can’t play it now. :(

Now THAT would be a fight that made him feel something.

It can be. It’s been done to lots of TV shows. Watch just the first episode of Supernatural on DVD, then watch it on a streaming platform.

None of these videos are available. lmao

LOL, you must not play very many RPGs. This sort of system is the one that leads to unplayable save games that require you to start over, simply because you saved without thinking and the game didn’t stop you to say ‘hey, are you sure you want to save here?’ Basically, the easier you make a system to use, the easier

None, because I can’t stand MOBAs. I don’t understand why they’re so popular. It’s like the worst parts of the end-game raid cycle of an MMO (tiny maps that you repeat over and over, grinding for gear, repetitive monsters), only you have to start from zero every time and put up with PvP at the same time.

Don’t forget the all-powerful Fisto! in Fallout 3. lol

They are not reactivating the old Xbox Live, so no.

Actually they have ways of enhancing Xbox OG, though it seems to be an Xbox One X exclusive feature (yay pointless restrictions for marketing purposes).


YESSSSS I remember that part of the movie!

Man, super young short-haired Angelina Jolie in that dream sequence scene was hot.

EDIT: I don’t know about the actual Cookie Monster malware, but that’s because I wasn’t in existence until the late 70s. lol

He may not have felt he had a choice. These contracts were very predatory and took serious advantage of a bunch of kids who had no idea what they were getting into.

Is.. is that... a rocket-assisted greatsword?

Just tell me one thing: Does the game adequately explain how all this can happen without any major Federal involvement? Hell, does it even just *attempt* to explain it, outside of ‘oh this part of Montana is isolated’ (No it’s not; it’s in the US, within a day or two the Feds would know something bad was going on up

Oh, so the real cost of entry is $800 + $300 + ~$1200ish (however stupid much retailers are charging for these cards right now due to cryptomining BS).

That, or the game just didn’t have enough content to keep people busy.

Except everyone has a valid reason to hate Trump and Sinclair.