
Name one. The drug cartels run free in Mexico, but not in the US. And we’re not talking about ‘the police don’t patrol around here’ or ‘you could shoot a guy up here and he wouldn’t be found for months,’ we’re talking an entire county turning into a warzone.

And yes, I know it’s a game, but games (ones with real story

Yeah, it actually spoils almost the entire end of the game basically, and does it in Chapter 9.

Right, I said the *implication* was there. *I* know they never actually said ‘no used games’ and I had even read about the de-auth tech they were working on, but most people took the implication and ran with it.

The store I go to is one of the highest revenue stores in the nation (it’s funny, I have a Wal*Mart Supercenter that is also one of the highest revenue stores in the nation, and I live in a relatively small city), so I wonder if corporate gives them some wiggle room. I spend a lot of time in there and besides pushing

I won’t tell you how to do it on here (google is your friend), but yeah the PSP can be emulated. As for buying the game, you can find brand new copies of it still on eBay.

Yeah, I know that most of the big streamers and commentators manage to remain at least mostly-professional, but we’ve had a string of streamers, youtubers, and commentators just going off the rails lately like it’s a contagious disease or something.

Hahaha, yep. I had a high-level, well-geared warrior specifically to help friends do gear recovery runs.

I thought it was hilarious how easy it was to beat Diablo himself though. I stood in a corner, had my hotbar full of potions and a town portal scroll, and just hacked away at him. When I was out of potions, I

With every bit of info I read about this game, I find myself more and more uninterested in playing it. Why? Not because of bugs or annoying issues, but because I can’t get into the premise. Unless someone can tell me, straight up, that the game immediately and satisfactorily addresses why the military, BATFE, FBI,

Right? That right there would have been a HUGE red flag for me. The instant they wanted to run my credit, I’d have said ‘the fuck? I’m paying with cash, my credit score is irrelevant.’

Shit like this is why we have regulations; the market absolutely will not police itself.

Yeah, two people can directly trade items with one another without going through the marketplace. That’s how these trading sites get past using the actual Marketplace.

I’m surprised anything Counter-Strike is still relevant. Compared to the sometimes-silly, always fun Half-Life mod I used to play (we raided a walmart once, pushing carts at each other while using them for cover lol), CSGO is a toxic, overly-competitive cashgrab disaster zone.

This is a common argument against rule changes. Look at the gun lobby (not making this political, just noting the similar arguments).

The average CSGO player won’t give a damn, nor will they be negatively affected.

Seriously, how hard is it to remain professional, especially when you have a public-facing job like commentator?

Hahaha, right? I remember his popped up and everyone was like ‘welp, there it is.’

Gamers have been whiny about real death penalties in games for, well, as long as WoW has been around. Before WoW real death penalties were just a way of life in MMOs. WoW nerfed that concept and now everyone thinks it’s bad.

Wait, what in game content?

Crap like this picture are part of why I never came back after my friend died and my FC fell apart.

But it doesn’t “play like an actual machine gun,” because you don’t have to stop and deploy before you fire.

Why do they need to have a bazillion different types of weapons? Why not stick with what was really used?