

1. There are way too many scopes on weapons in BF1. Most snipers didn’t even have scopes for their rifles (and the ones they had were pretty crappy); there definitely wouldn’t be any type of scope on an LMG. (See here. 
2. This is an LMG - it’s not a run-and-gun weapon, at least not an accurate one. You might be

Those words are banned by the White House, remember?

Yep, it is an amazing remaster. I wish my PSP screen wasn’t messed up, I’d play through the whole thing again.

I made probably a dozen AOL free trial accounts throughout the mid- to late-90s. The internet was *so expensive* back then.

Why not? A not insignificant number of people liked it, even though the critics panned it.

Zombae is best girl.

Zombae is .. uh .. bae?

I’ve been following her since she started out and she has come a long way. This particular costume doesn’t even begin to showcase what she has; it’s just one of her ‘fan favorites.’

I am replying just so you know that I literally laughed out loud to this, and that I will never see Ardyn in the same light ever again.

Holy shit are you kidding me? New players should absolutely positively NOT play Episode Ignis before finishing the game. It is super spoiler laden (he has a vision that gives away like 4 major plot points all in one cutscene!), even moreso than Episode Prompto.

I played Bid for Power when they ported it to the Half-Life engine. Was ridiculously fun.

You haven’t? Were you living under a rock during those ancient days of 2013 when Microsoft was taken to task for implying that there would be no used game market for the Xbox One and they had to completely retool their DRM plans?

As for music and book stores.. yeah, we’ve lost a lot of them. But the ones that are left

Is that so? You know, I’ve been buying games from GameStop for, well, as long as they’ve existed in my town. Maybe 2 times in 15 years have they ever tried to get me to buy a used copy of a game if I brought a new copy up to the counter.

I actually understand and agree with the concept that Overwatch is not a spectator esport. All of the action on the screen is so fast and so incredibly specific that it is sometimes very hard to know what, exactly, is going on, especially if you’re not a regular player of the game.

If all of the esports coverage used

Nah, they won’t count the public health costs because they’ll leave them to bankrupt the public, blaming them for living in the regions affected by climate change.

I won’t make any assumptions on your living situation, but clearly whatever it is allows you more time to put into gaming. Either that or you just choose gaming over other parts of your adult life. Just because you can still put tons of time into video games doesn’t mean others can; you’re still an exception to the

So for those of us who weren’t playing FFXV during this time period and didn’t even know it was going on/had an end date, how the fuck are we supposed to play it now?

What the hell is SE thinking adding temporary events to a goddamn single player game anyway?

Yeah, this is what I was going to say. I didn’t even know these other types of notations were a thing.

Digital sales aren’t any cheaper to the consumer. And used game sales shouldn’t be a dead end market, just like used books sales, used movie sales, and used music sales shouldn’t be. Those markets failing is purely due to the greed of the companies involved and their bullshit belief that they are entitled to profits

Completely invalid comparisons, you know. In the first, people are still likely purchasing tangible items that they can then resell if they want. The latter has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand.

And that’s a time when a lot of old-school gamers will stop buying games.