The code still worked in Gradius III, we just got trolled by Konami. Instead of Left and Right you had you use Left Shoulder and Right Shoulder. Otherwise BOOM.
The code still worked in Gradius III, we just got trolled by Konami. Instead of Left and Right you had you use Left Shoulder and Right Shoulder. Otherwise BOOM.
As a wise man in Alola once told me:
What’s worse is that they preach free-will and personal responsibility, then claim demon possession and satanic mind control make people do evil things, and that these games and such are the gateways the demons use to gain control.
You either are evil because you choose to be and thus are guilty of everything you do,…
Psychic is my main deck. I must be satan’s favorite.
Psst.. this was Canadian.
They were rented. :P
The keyword here is ‘mage.’ Magic is of the devil. Even white mages are damned souls practicing satanic witchcraft.
Is Jesus a white dude in all of them? Cuz that bothers the hell out of me.
My cousins had to leave the room once, when I was little, because He-Man came on. Their mother wouldn’t let them watch it because “There’s only ONE Master of the Universe.”
My point is that it’s just funny to me. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES, and all that. But hey, let’s all get on the ‘He’s an American therefore he’s shitting on other countries because that’s what all Americans do’ bandwagon, yeah?
Though I do want to point out that my 3 hour drive I mentioned “meets” more than 2.5 million…
Wow, no way, you don’t say? I never would have guessed that. I thought all those world maps were fake, and that everything else was just made up by NASA and Hollywood!
I think it’s interesting that Westerners are up in arms about the ‘whitewashing,’ but when the Japanese are asked about it, they don’t see a problem with it. Something I read repeatedly was that, since its an adaptation of an anime, it would look strange if they cast Japanese actors.
The point being that a major…
““Some of these people have been stranded in the other queue since 10.30am this morning, they’ve come from across the country with their kids.””
I just.. I can’t. We have States larger than Ireland. Things like this always make me laugh. Like how in some parts of Europe, if you drive for 3 hours you might pass…
It’s legal to bet on eSports? Gah I hate gambling. :/ Oh well, it’s not hurting me any, at least not directly.
This so reminds me of the 2003 Battlestar Galactica remake, which also used the “submarine in space” style; it had a CIC deep within the ship that had no windows, only viewscreens, and all of the controls were analog.
Also, lol @ “Ryzen 7 is here!”
Shows Ryzen CPUs and prices.
Shows compatible AMD motherboards.
Shows compatible..... nVidia GPUs??
Seriously, the clip from Ghost Recon where the dude goes SPLAT is how physics actually works. That first dude’s jump was so wrong it makes me cringe to think that the developers believe that’s how physics works.
“You don’t like Permadeath? Don’t play.”
Or, how about he just turns it off, since that is a valid option in the new games?
“It’s not hard to see that the game was never catered to you.”
Obviously some part of it was, or he wouldn’t be interested in playing it.
“And restarting a chapter is not cheating. If everyone does…
It’s not that the dead characters get no closure, it’s as if they *never existed.* There’s no mourning in game, characters don’t talk about the deceased, etc. I don’t know about you, but I’d consider my best friends to be ‘A’ rank support; if one of those people died, it would be a massive, traumatizing event that…
Seriously, a rescue mechanic is all the game needs and then I would actually play with permadeath on, and actually live with it if I failed to rescue someone in time. I mean, I’d probably still reset occasionally when there were absolutely unfair, out-of-nowhere BS kills or something, but if it was totally my fault I…