Hey, they have the Nixperience Band now, you can prevent yourself from leveling completely!
Hey, they have the Nixperience Band now, you can prevent yourself from leveling completely!
Sorry, but you guys are wrong. War changed after the Christmas Truce because the commanders and generals forced the issue, making their officers disallow such things. They passed on orders forbidding fraternizing with the enemy under any circumstances, and pushed through orders demanding attacks even when the men in…
If you dig deep enough you start to realize that his family is seemingly wealthy, and he’s held some rather lofty jobs, as well. He’s one of the privileged ones with a golden pillow always underneath them and thus can do what they want to do instead of what they had to do.
I know this is an old article, but I got here through reading a new article, and I’m like.. damn, he saved up more money than my annual salary and described it basically as ‘scraping up pocket change.’
“If they don’t want Peach as a playable characters, then the game would largely be the same if she was replaced by a chocolate bar.”
This is actually part of the problem. If the part the female character is in could easily be filled by an object, then you should just use an object and not an empty sexist trope.
This makes me feel funny inside. I can’t even imagine being able to pull this off. I have a hard enough time getting through stage 3 normally lol
My company actually freaks out if you use your PTO liberally but also freaks out if you want to use your vacation time all at once. It’s almost like our PTO policy is that we have it because it’s the in thing to do but they don’t want us to use it because staffing.
Ah, yes, those are what they call ‘DTAs’ (digital transport adapters), and they’re necessary because it’s likely Time Warner is actually in the process of encrypting the digital signal to prevent cable theft.
Ah, yes, those are what they call ‘DTAs’ (digital transport adapters), and they’re necessary because it’s likely…
I don’t have issues with people wanting to write fanfic. I just think they should at least be in contact with the writer and/or do their damnedest to keep their version of the character as close in line with the actual character as they can. Respect the original author and their original intent.
An operating system that is faster and so far quite a bit more secure than anything I’ve used previously? Windows 8/8.1's style of Task Manager, a Start Menu that works almost exactly like the Start Menu Replacer I used for Windows 8 at work, multiple desktops... I didn’t realize I needed ‘essential’ new features to…
I upgraded from 7 Pro and couldn’t be happier. Yes, there was a learning curve to figure out where lots of things were now, but it’s all good. Learning and change are part of life.
Aaaaand this is why I avoid “fandom” and “fanfic” like the plague that it is. As someone who is interested in being published someday, it scares me to think that fans could be so entitled as to believe they have the right to characters they didn’t create like that.
...must be nice to have money, lol.
This basically allows the players to be questgivers. This is not a bad thing. It’s not some random quest item that has no meaning or even function outside being a quest item; it’s something a player needs that another player can provide. I’m sure the player creating the job has to pay the person who accepts the job in…
If there’s a flaw in a system and a company exploits it for their gain, they’re directly at fault.
I’m disappointed that I didn’t hear any spoken dialogue. This is 2016; for there to be any non-spoken dialogue in the game would be tragic and a failure on Square-Enix’s part.
Wow, dude, you completely missed the point of KillahMate’s comment.
Uh, you know, in Final Fantasy IV the chocobos weren’t optional in at least one major instance, and I’m pretty sure FFV went pretty major on the choco, considering Boco was one of the secondary characters.
No, no, no, it does *not* make perfect sense to change that. Make the consoles somehow upgradeable, but don’t you dare turn them into disposable electronics. We already have enough of that garbage being manufactured in the smartphone world.
Yearly releases of entirely new devices is a TERRIBLE idea, and it needs to be…