
Dude, this is the 21st Century. People who actually are THAT INTO anime don't wait for idiots from the West to bring it over. They never have. So who the hell cares what Sony and HG are doing?

I likely would have never gotten involved in anime had it not been for ROBOTECH, and never would have gotten involved with

I just.. I get that it's cute that she says it. But god damn it people can be pointlessly annoying.

The only thing I have an issue with is how they're changing pre-established characters to be more diverse rather than creating new heroes.

To make the ragdolls appear "weighty", they'd have to impede player movement.

Thank you for being the guy who pointed out that these roles and strats were not some integral part of the game, but made up by players. And the players expect you to stick to those roles and strats.

This behavior, even 'rare' as it is, made me not like MOBAs. I already thought they were a pretty dumb style of game, but decided I'd give LoL a try because a friend wanted me to. I have *no idea* why these kinds of games are so popular.

It is sorta a control thing. Problem is, you sorta have it backwards. Girls know that they'll get more attention from guys by showing off some skin. More attention=more money. This is as much on them for basically manipulating male behavior as it is on the "fashion control freaks" you're talking about.

Honestly, I

It's not a 'waterslide' if you're in a goddamn metal box.

No, I didn't assume you "don't know your shit." I just assumed you're using your own personal opinion of 'what Final Fantasy is' as being more correct than anyone else's. Which is precisely what you're doing. You at least have a basis behind your opinion, I'll give you that, but it's still just your opinion.


Ok then. Good on you for knowing everything. Have fun out there!



She, uh, doesn't need to be playable, she just needs to go to my room. >.>

Don't forget Chrono Trigger.. THE MAIN CHARACTER DIES.

But as the world becomes a more and more dangerous place and war looms, she searches for “The Shepherd,” a mythical warrior said to appear when the world is on the edge of chaos. Of course, Sorey is the one destined to become this person. And when he does, she becomes his first disciple, swearing herself to his cause.

I think that, unfortunately for the US, there are laws that limit the extent of a Union that prevent them from crossing too many industry lines. I'd have to look into that. However, I don't see why we couldn't form a Union of Unions (though I think that's what the AFL-CIO and Change to Win Federation are) that could

Every week? Try every DAY.

Troll level - successful.

This game just needs to be canceled. I don't care how much money they've wasted on it.

We don't know, precisely, how many are active subs, but as someone who plays the game, I've seen a HUGE amount of new players in the past few months, and I'm on a Legacy server (limited times when new characters can be made). Your numbers are also actually from last year's financials and not this year's.

The game is