
It was pretty cool; you could see the summon already starting once he hit 0 hp, with the tiny little blue orbs rising from the ground and the sky darkening. Then he started the summon and everything began to change. It's a really neat effect, and makes summoning seem like a natural part of combat instead of just

Except, there is no such thing as THE 'Final Fantasy.' Each one has been wildly different. Whatever you think Final Fantasy is, you're wrong. At the same time, you're right, for at least one or two of them.

You determined this is bad writing from one line spoken completely without context?

Ramuh did 99,999hp damage to those lil wolves lol.

My question is.. what happened to the other 3 characters? lmao

They hit 4 million accounts recently. I don't know how many of those are actually active, but that's a big number, and I would consider that a massive success in the modern MMO market. Especially when you consider the game's history. This is what you call an unabashedly awesome turnaround.

They hit 4 million accounts recently. I don't know how many of those are actually active, but that's a big number, and I would consider that a massive success in the modern MMO market. Especially when you consider the game's history. This is what you call an unabashedly awesome turnaround.

FFXIV won't go F2P, and that's great. I don't ever want it to go F2P.

No, god no. I'm staff at a convention that has cosplayers; I know what kind of disgusting, pervy stuff can come out of peoples' mouths. I'm more interested in her motivations, where she learned her skills, her favorite games and game moments, etc.

College grads still make AT LEAST twice what a highschool dropout makes

Yeah, a major issue that employees are forgetting (because they've been brainwashed to think otherwise since the 1980s) is that labor is their product that they are selling to a company in exchange for compensation. Labor is as much a part of the free market as anything else, and thus collective bargaining should be

You can't have a cat-rabbit-starship hybrid in a show without it BEING IN THE SHOW.

Does she have stockings with hands on them? lol

I think he was implying that CAPCOM would make it, call it that, and charge that.

You must be young.

Haha, this reminds me of BBC News or NPR. Someone needs to go in and make a Fox News variant. Srsly.

Can Battlefield's developers please get rid of the insta-chute BS? Hell, scrap their games entirely, because they're full of stupid crap that just needs to be removed, such as jet-ski )and other vehicle) launching, ejecting from and subsequently being able to get back in and pilot your jet, sticky c4/satchel charges

This would be great if jobs out there paid enough for people to actually be able to AFFORD to save money. No one I know can afford to put >10% of their net pay into anything that isn't a bill.

The people in the boardrooms don't see the employees. They just see numbers and profit. The investors are even worse; the entire company is just a number to them.

My father JUST RECENTLY got a Masters degree in IT Business Management. He has the same updated skills as these 20-ish kids out there, and is able to work insane hours because most of his family is already out of the house or old enough to not need him around every second. He has over 30 years of management

Yasmin is, quite frankly, one of the best cosplayers I've ever seen. I really wish I could meet her in person, ask her some questions.