Well, no. It says "Hey guys, I'm a hebephile!" Because Ellie is 14, not pre-pubescent. Even then, it would only be true if 11-14 year old pubescent adolescents were his primary or exclusive sexual preference.
Well, no. It says "Hey guys, I'm a hebephile!" Because Ellie is 14, not pre-pubescent. Even then, it would only be true if 11-14 year old pubescent adolescents were his primary or exclusive sexual preference.
Sim City 4, huh? Why would they be making a jab about a single-player, completely-offline game that came out 11 years ago?
"Getting older" was my solution to piracy. I just got tired of pretending to validate what I was doing. I don't necessarily see piracy as a crime on the same level as theft (and never will), but I just stopped wanting to do it.
PCs are not that varied in their capabilities anymore, that is 100% bullshit. You've got two card manufacturers who use fairly generic drivers for all of their cards, those same two card manufacturers make the only two CPU lines that modern PCs use and those CPUs also use fairly generic drivers. RAM is more or less…
"You wouldn't download a car!"
The fuck I wouldn't!
Maybe these cars are just really really fast?
I'm from middle-of-fucking-hicksville-Missouri and I know I want to live in Portland. lol
What? Secret World was bad? What planet are you from?
I bet you're going to now tell me that WoW was excellent.
I guess you've never played The Secret World.
/blist is your friend
Thing I know Origin does:
Take up space and resources to run my digital games when I already have Steam for that.
When you sign up for the Alpha it specifically says the game "does not require download of the Origin client."
Was Hawke canonically female? Or will the game go by the gender your Hawke was in your DA2 playthrough?
Was this done during Microsoft's presentation? Multiplatform games should never be displayed during a specific platform company's presentation.
You're not really going to want to play some bloke whos equal to other blokes for the heck of it.
This person is SO JERKY with the camera motions.
I would like to give the following words to Bungie:
Nope, wrong. I'm not an MS hater. I don't own a PS4 *or* an Xbox One. I play multiplatform games on PC, when available and not just a shitty port.
I would have been angry if it was just a PS4 exclusive as well.
I'm angry that Destiny, for instance, is a console-only game.
I would have been just as angry, because I play non-exclusive games on the PC. Seriously, the only games I get for consoles are games (usually console franchises) that will never be on PC.