
Well, they say 'Only on Playstation' for their 1st Party or true exclusives (like Infamous, Uncharted, God of War, etc), but not on timed exclusives.

In other words, when they said yesterday that the next big Tomb Raider game is an Xbox exclusive, what they really meant is that it'll be out first on Xbox (both 360 and One), and then it'll come later to other platforms.

"Tsufuruians is almost impossible to say"

Really? I can say it just fine.

Oh sure, it won't be able to measure your real power level (for the record, it's probably 5). And yes, similar products exist, but Kier Simmon's scouter (made from "an old 80's radio scouter") actually takes the idea to where we've always wanted, giving it a fully functioning display with animations.

True, if I could find a good way to set something like that up, I would do it. Analogue stick for movement, analogue buttons for when they're necessary, mouse for aiming during action.

Unfortunately I got involved in IT, and IT in the US has become the sacred cow led to the slaughter. I've watched jobs that used to be high-paying, long-term careers either turn into short-term, independent-contractor-only-but-you-don't-actually-get-to-negotiate-your-contract-thought temp jobs or be out-sourced to

This is akin to a modern car manufacturer claiming that it can't put a carburetor
into a car because they're too complex. Pools have existed in every other version of The Sims from day 1. Yes, this may be a new engine, but how could they have skipped over this?

Basically, it's all EA-Bullshit. That, or they just

That is an impressively dirty gif.

Because gamers treat women like objects and porn does the same thing?

I was forced to drop out of school because my grades weren't good enough for me to graduate. They wanted me to take the rest of my senior year off and come back the next year to finish, to which I replied "no thanks."

I proceeded to take my GED (General Educational Development) test, which is a high-school diploma

This is the shitty result of standardized learning. Not everyone learns the same way. I, for instance, could take any test in any class and blow it out of the water, but I hated doing homework. Taking notes in class and/or reading the material in the book was really all I needed to do to ace a test. Yet, my school

It's not that they don't follow the morality that adults follow, it's that they're not mature enough to even completely comprehend it.

Many classrooms also had 1 computer in them but they were mostly Apple IIe's or early 90's Macintoshes (the memories of playing Oregon Trail in monochrome).

17 students in a classroom.. wow, I wish my classes could have been that small. We, on average, would have twice that probably.

It was a private school

When/Where I was in school, the school didn't automatically call up your parents if you missed, unless they felt they had reason (ie, you were absent all the time without parental notes or calls to the school). It was remarkably easy to avoid class.

I stayed home sick many times just by forging a note or faking a

Yeah, my son's been playing since he was 5 or 6.. he's crazy about the game. He's come up with some hilarious devices. The wolf-crusher was by far the most disturbing one.


I just tried Twin Snakes. I couldn't even explore the disk.

You're probably one of those guys who hated the Lord of the Rings movies because they didn't include Tom Bombadil, aren't you?

Judge adaptations on their own two feet, as their own entity. Otherwise you're just being snobbish.