... my 2 year old, ~$600 rig is just a tad under the recommended, so how did you blow a grand on something worse?
... my 2 year old, ~$600 rig is just a tad under the recommended, so how did you blow a grand on something worse?
How do the graphics of ARR affect gameplay?
I just posted a comment about how my 2 year old PC pretty much meets the recommended requirements, so your feeling is a little bit off.
My computer is almost 2 years old and, besides the CPU (which is only one step lower on the Tom's Hardware Gaming CPU Hierarchy Chart), it meets the recommended requirements. I'd only have to pay $200 to upgrade to the recommended CPU.
How long is it going to be before we have another Crysis? Where the game comes out…
They could have had variable map sizes for variable amounts of players. Other FPSes have done this for more than a decade.
Back in the day of the "War in Europe" WWII mod for Half-Life, and in the early days of "Day of Defeat," we used to do crazy things like half-gravity (or mega-gravity, where stepping off a curb would mean your death), or super speed, infinite ammo, health buffs, insta-gib melee attacks, etc. It was so much fun!
There's no reason they couldn't have gone with a higher player count as it is. Everything I've heard people say supporting the 6x6 has been pretty silly.
Two buttons. "Jump." "Kick."
A Gurren Lagann Titanfall game would kick ass.
There's a huge difference between the average of game scores and a game being average. The average of scores is there because there are enough games rated in the 60s-90s for it to be there. That doesn't mean those games are average, just that most titles fall in that range.
Then again, I think just by typing that…
Where is your closed parenthesis?!? It is driving me mad!
Actually, to be fair, 5.5 is 'average' if you add up all numbers from 1 to 10 and then average it out. :P
Interestingly, that's also the average if you just add 1 to 10 and average it out, too.
When you fall well below the replacement rate... yes, that is *very* bad. Eventually there are more elderly planning to retire than young adults coming into the work force, and it can lead to economic collapse.
It's actually interesting, when you're in a privately-owned space, while you may have the right to think anything you want, you actually don't have the right to say anything you want. The First Amendment to the US Constitution only applies to public spaces.
This is a temporary price drop. Microsoft has said as much.
An XBone/PS4 will be woefully outdated in 7 years. And my PC will still be getting new releases too. Oh, and I can still play all of my OLD games on it, too, without having to pay to stream them, or have multiple systems for my back catalog, or this/that/whatever.
I built a rig that can run games as well as 'next-gen' consoles... 2 years ago. And I'm still using it. And soon I'm going to spend about $400-500 to upgrade it and make it *BETTER* than the 'next-gen' consoles.
You claim ignorance about console gamers re: PC gaming, and then share... more ignorance. The GeForce series is not their workstation line. That's the Quadro.
... with less money involved? If you adjusted the value of these rooms for inflation, the money involved would be staggering.