
Sweet, thanks! :)

Guy dips into a swimming pool, scoops up what, a couple hundred gallons? I can't help thinking this is (pardon the pun) just a drop in the bucket when you're dealing with a wildfire. Any fire people out there care to educate me? How can they ever hope to achieve anything with a miniscule amount of water like that?

Tires: years ago I had a Chrysler LeBaron convertible (and sweet baby Jesus, did I love that piece of shit), and I decided to put some air in one of the tires because it was looking low. So I'm in the gas station parking lot, filling it to 35 or whatever it needed. All of a sudden - and this happened in a span of

Imagine the smell. Go ahead, do it.

But...he wouldn't have won anyway. Still would've lost, in a landslide. I get that he's upset at having Alex Trebek tell him he's wrong, but fuck Alex Trebek - everyone watching knows he knew the answer; hell, I don't even count that as a real misspelling, it's more a typo, one he would've spotted if not for all the

I mean jesus, just look at the example photos used in that section - they're all ugly as shit. Turn off Picture Styles forever.

Picture Styles

"Just call the police, baby" is the best part of this. Like I have no idea what the woman looks like, but I like to think she's attractive and there's a tiny few cells in his brain thinking "Dude - DUDE - be cool, and maybe throw a 'baby' in there somewhere, hopefully we can get her number when all this is over."

Covered rear wheel panels are 1986's vision of what the future would look like.

I haven't been keeping up with this at all - do we know yet whether 360 games will play on Durango? Because I can't imagine anything more likely to make me consider switching to Sony than if I've got to start my game collection over from scratch.

Wow. We are on the brink of the most socialist government America has ever seen,

I'm speaking from personal experience and the experience of several people close and far to me.

Guns do not make people more aggressive,

Malia's funky fresh inaugural dance moves

It's not his garage - his Corvette is green:

I don't think redcoast is saying we shouldn't do it, I think she's just saying it's impractical to suggest we hire armed guards for all the kids across the country.

Pfft...get back to me when you can help me build my Scramble With Friends score.

Ha, I'm 15 years past my last (and only) philosophy class - if my use of the phrase "free will" seems confusing, it's probably because at that point I was talking squarely out of my ass. :)

I think God is okay with that. And even if he's not, I am.