
The right is realizing, bit by bit, that they don't have to outlaw RvW - in fact I'm pretty sure they don't want to, because then who would be their boogeyman? If abortion were made illegal, there goes half of their fundraising.

Jesus Christ, I'll bet the Anonymous guys practically pissed themselves when they found this video. I don't condone everything Anonymous has done in the past, but holy hell this is life-ruining shit, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of guys. They'll have to get facelifts and leave the country to

I'll never get why people do this. Not the racism part, but how public it is. Twitter's like half a step away from Facebook in terms of lack of anonymity (and not even that much, for a lot of people); when you do this you're basically admitting "I'm a shitbag racist and all of my friends and family are completely ok

The fact that you want the death penalty for this now, when you're riled up and your emotions are at their most raw (as they are for all of us), is the best argument I can think of against the death penalty.

As for college apps, I design them for a living; most colleges still have paper apps along with their online apps, and even those that don't do paper would find a way to accommodate someone who can't use a computer. Of course, once they find out why he can't use a computer his chances of getting are pretty small,

By all appearances Farrah is a terrible, terrible person, full of nothing but hate and bile, and utterly devoid of any redeeming value. Say what you will about this song, it clearly comes straight from her (cold, black, loveless) heart.

Ah yes, the old "Stop being so prejudiced against my bigotry - that means you're a bigot too!" thing. Sorry, it doesn't work like that, and I think you know it.

I'm watching the guy's hands shake as he gets ready to let go, and I'm thinking "Buddy, you think this is scary, I've got bad news for you, coming in three...two..."