
People looking for offense will always find it.

I think it can be offensive because it implies that some people’s lives are without trials. Maybe that is true, in fact. Social generalizations tend to be false when analyzed closely and those making them appear to be stupid to most people. Also, I’m not sure how much social domination really occurs these days. It’s

Well, I imagine it was because he was looking to be offended, for whatever reason.

Would it be racism if he were black and was called a boy, by a white lady?


Well put. Probably too many large words for your trolls, though.


I think it was the “Boy” part.

Who’s POC?

Because whites are excluded from being a race, or having feelings about stuff.

I prefer the term ‘Saltine-American’.


That’s all very silly. Don’t you think? Bald monkeys, all of us, with such an aversion to very specific grunts and hoots.

That’s because you’re clearly a racist.

Depends on where you live, I guess.

The GOP thinks that if they move the trans women to the mens room, their personal chances of an airport bathroom encounter will increase. Rude!

Yes, we’ll all be thanking the anonymous internet trolls for saving us from the internet troll in the White House. That seems realistic.

“Retarded”, I think is the word of that.

And much like nukes, you wouldn’t want for it to be in the hands of a toddler.

No shit! Why are you going to go yelling at a woman in front of her kids in public? This guy is a piece of shit.