
Nice pun!

You’ve got kids and plan to buy a Ford? Those poor kids.

Never try to bullshit a bullshitter.

Sure! What have YOU got to lose? Lawyers aren’t known for covering their asses. /s


Seriously. Also, who’s going to buy that ugly P.O.S.?

And here I thought gay dudes weren’t bigoted. I guess ya learn something new every day.

Fuck you, pussy. You can suck all nine inches of my Polish pole.

Everybody knows “the climate” is a liberal conspiracy. /s

Nope. Hers were not.

It’s pretty killer, whatever it is.

Hell yeah.

Maybe this one:



I think they’d have been bummed out that about the loss of their slaves.

Easy. Some Americans view poverty to be a sign of weakness or some other laziness and tend to blame those afflicted by it. Too, some Americans believe that “God” awards everyone with what they deserve, so, if you’re poor and overworked, it’s probably your fault somehow. Clearly this is fallacy and true weakness lies

How are they supposed to track citizens with facial recognition software, if they are wearing a burka? Sunk costs, yo. This is the world we are paying for. Whattaya gunna do?

She’s like the old witch from Willow.

Fuck you, ya twat. Better hope Trump never puts his baby-finger over your part of the map.