
I doubt he's untrained. His trigger discipline is good, which is NEVER intuitive for untrained shooters.

Considering Iran's most prominent leaders leaders have said that Israel is a cancer and should be "wiped out off the map", I think they have a reason to be concerned.

I think your sarcasm detector is broken.

According to Wolfram Alpha, San Francisco is about 7300 miles from Tehran. New York is about 6100 miles from Tehran.

Do you have a source for your claim that Planned Parenthood in Virginia doesn't require this? I've cited a source that makes it clear that they do.

This is blatant misinformation. There's no requirement in the law that a transvaginal ultrasound has to be used. Of course, this article didn't link the actual law because that would undermine the alarmism peddled by the pro-abortion lobby. (Source: [])

"Top poster on Reddit? This guy will NEVER get any work done."

Came here to say it, and you were the better man.

Yeah, it's hard to steal a paper ballot election when you never leave your mom's basement.

This is just the latest in a series of Gizmodo (read: Gawker) attempts to undermine each and every Republican candidate.

I don't think you've thought through the implications of knocking out the power infrastructure for a significant portion of the country.

Yeah, those shmucks that feed their families by building, marketing, and selling those airplanes should just take a hike!

Somebody's missing all the good jokes, apparently. Pop culture is about 10% or less of Community's joke content.

Copper is the leading alternative in lead-free ammunition. The Army is even developing a 5.56 NATO variant that uses a monolithic copper bullet.

9mm usually refers to 9x19mm Luger, which is a handgun round. .30 caliber usually refers to rifle ammunition of various types, including 7.62x51 NATO, 7.62x39, etc. So despite the smaller diameter of a .30 caliber rifle round, they have significantly more wounding potential.

I disagree. The Tea Party's message was coherent and clear: "No new taxes to pay for wasteful government spending. Get the deficit and spending under control via cuts."

It's funny to me that airline pilots have to go through security just like passengers. Seriously, they could just crash the plane.

Paypal and other money transfer services make test deposits of small amounts that you have to confirm before the accounts are actually linked. That means you need access to that person's online banking info before you could actually hijack their account.

Actually, just about everybody involved in OWS has a different idea of what it's about. That's why it will never accomplish anything. Their demands range from ending bailouts to complete elimination of the capitalist system. Some are demanding student loan forgiveness (aka a bailout). Some are pro-Palestine. Some

As an iPhone 4S owner, I totally agree with this article. My thoughts are summed up in one statement you made: Beta is for Google.