
dear lort, there are levels upon levels of fuckery here

As recently as three weeks ago she was reported as living in Montreal. She was living in the Caribbean for a while, but returned to Canada to settle in Montreal with a new husband and three kids.

Dear Muggles: Please stop thinking of us as a human shield to use as a buffer for socially acceptable women against creeps and monsters. Because that is a super fucked up way to think about other people, which is what we are. 

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Quebec is also where Karla Homolka currently lives with her husband and children. Yes, the serial killer who raped and killed her own sister. Yes, the same woman who got the Deal with the Devil, 12 years incarceration, in exchange for flipping on her serial rapist husband. No, I can’t let it go.

Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!

As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month. 

For the life of me, I just don’t understand this as a concept...YouTube celebrities? Your generation is so weird. 

They don’t care about nonbinary and transpeople either. If they don’t give a fuck about women, why would they care about nonbinary and transpeople? Religious zealots and many anti-abortion activists equate “pregnant person” with “woman.” Pregnant nonbinary and transpeople matter even less than pregnant ciswomen to

Wouldn’t matter to them.  It’s all part of “God’s plan” to them.  They only want complete control over women and nothing else.

People aren’t terminating pregnancies because of imperfections. The three I know did it because two of the babies had chromosomal abnormalities and several serious birth defect and the third had an untreatable heart condition that would mean death within moments of being born. These three pregnancies were very wanted

More stories like this. One thing I’ve noticed in the abortion debate is that people often bring out “rape, incest or the mother’s life being in danger” as the holy trifecta of reasons anyone should condone abortion. Fetal abnormalities are almost always missing, but they are the reason behind the vast majority of

I had an abortion at 20 weeks for a chromosomal abnormality and I cannot imagine having to go through it in a state that refuses to treat women like human beings. I made the decision based on conversations with my OB and a doctor who specializes in chromosomal abnormalities. They were able to give me the information I

does not *directly* deprive the airline of anything

You know those brawls people get into over Black Friday deals that result in the police arresting people?

The U.S. airline industry, for some reason that some economist somewhere can probably explain, has moved to a model of providing the least it possibly can, with a seemingly infinite number of ways to charge customers for perks that used to be features of flying, leading to an overall less satisfactory customer


Did he shoot his eye out? Cause that would’ve been really good revenge.