Damn, I knew I kept a Hulu subscription for a reason. Ballingrud is legit.
Damn, I knew I kept a Hulu subscription for a reason. Ballingrud is legit.
Anyone who watched the Real Housewives of Vancouver knows it’s definitely possible to be too mean for the franchise
I think a lot of viewers reacted very negatively to Dorinda this season. I do think she got too mean. Watching her bully and belittle Tinsley was really unpleasant and even triggering for me, because it reminded me of the verbal and emotional abuse I took from my older brother growing up. There is a difference between…
It’s insane. They are giving her way too much credit. A glance through her history shows she is just a grifter who cheated her way into the most obscene version of the American dream with a padded resume and fantastical claims (5 languages? Ha!). She is as transactional and mercenary as the rest of the family. She…
She knew exactly what she was doing, she wanted a rich man and she got one.
He would be so proud! We lost him in February, and the last time I saw him (4 days before he died), he was at my house eating pretzels with onion dip.
Yeah, it seems nobody can come up with a good cherry flavor. Real cherries are great, but pretty much everything else “cherry” takes like bad cough medicine.
What the hell does “too close to breakfast” mean? According to the law and Ron Swanson, anytime is breakfast time.
I have always found it maddening and ironic that if a rape victim is murdered, she is elevated to sainthood and no expense is spared to find her assailant (if she is white, of course). But should she survive, well, her attacker has any number of defenses available, no matter how brutal the attack. Put her in hospital?…
Am... am I a prude? Or am I just old? I mean, huzzah for pussy power and all that, but I don’t know that I want my tweenage nieces and nevvies bopping along time this. I’m just... yeah. I think I’ll stick to The Chicks.
This story reads like it was created through a 2020 bingo generator.
Twenty years ago, I was that “unmotivated” high school student who never turned anything in. I just utterly failed to do the work in high school. I couldn’t explain it. I just always found myself with incomplete homework when it was actually due. Being perpetually, perpetually behind and on the verge of failing was…
“Oh so you’re going to refuse to get real licence plates because reasons?”
“You want to smell so bad that your boss puts you on the night shift?”
Jesus Christ don’t you have ANY employment rights in your country? I mean, over here, my boss tells me to do ANYTHING that isn’t in my job description i can tell him to go fuck himself, he wants to make a fuss? I can drag his arse straight to an employment tribunal who will side with me until my employer can prove I…
I like to say, “You deny the existence of of your child and live in wealth while your ex-partner and child live in poverty?”
Any time anyone mentions they “idolize” Steve Jobs, I always say “Um, so if you get cancer you’re going to drink juice and die from not treating your cancer?”
Have we learned nothing from the assholes who idolized Steve Jobs and Steve Jobs himself?
McDonald’s switched from a fried apple pie to a baked one all the way back in 1992,