When I saw Charlie, I had a very disorienting Lost flashback (especially because he was even wearing Charlie’s Lost wardrobe!). I honestly think they were all going to be on the island for a moment!
When I saw Charlie, I had a very disorienting Lost flashback (especially because he was even wearing Charlie’s Lost wardrobe!). I honestly think they were all going to be on the island for a moment!
I regret my choice of words in my previous post. I regret using the words “real cis women”. It more accurately reflects my sentiments to say only “cis women”. And I regret using the particular case in British Columbia as an example. That is an isolated, very singluar case with a set of circumstances that are unlikely…
Wow, you totally read this Western Canadian wrong. My mother campaigned for Pierre Trudeau at the height of Trudeaumania in the 60's and I have been more than thrilled to vote for his son, who I believe is morally and ethically head and shoulders above any Conservative in this country. And I do believe strongly that…
Yes, I did say that I do not believe that cis women are the same gender as trans women. And yes, there is a list of experiences that cis women have that trans women will not, which is the way that I define the two as separate genders. Even if a cis woman has fertility issues, she will still experience some form of…
You clearly don’t understand my point, as illustrated by your kneejerk reaction to my post. Of course I know that trans women experience everything you list, but not as cis women do. No trans women has to fear unwanted pregnancy by a rapist. A cis female is valued for their attractiveness from birth - it is our…
About 10 years ago, I owned a women’s consignment store. It was LGBTQ+ welcoming. I had many trans women customers, as well as men who were either beginning their transitions and who were still men in their daily lives, or who were not transitioning but who enjoyed wearing women’s clothing private. These people came…
This is the sweetest story I’ve ever heard *sniff*
I Love You!!! A million stars! EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE BCN!!!
Let me start out by saying I no longer interact with my father or his chosen family.
Read up on Democratic Socialism. It’s the only system that truly makes sense.
It is difficult to take anyone seriously who doesn’t know the difference between ‘its’ and ‘it’s’.
Anything to which a population contributes (ie: tax dollars) and which benefits the population as a whole (ie: roads, public hospitals, the armed forces, etc) is socialism.
What exactly do you use all that tax-free money for? Paying your medical premiums? Co-pays? Exorbitant prescription costs? No thanks. Those of us in our ‘socialist’ paradises are quite happy knowing a simple flu won’t bankrupt us.
I don’t care if it’s Lizzo and her ass or any other topic, I just don’t care to hear what Wendy Williams thinks about anything, ever.
Didn’t Pamela Anderson do that hat already in one of her weddings?
Thanks. Here’s hoping the new year won’t be bringing me a third lower back surgery in less than 10 years (and I’m not even an old yet!)!
Congrats on your sobriety!
“unpleasant people doing unpleasant things unpleasantly”
He knows exactly what kind of beer you like - he’s a passive aggressive asshole. Men don’t pick up on these types of behaviours like women do. He’s a dick, plain and simple. Next time? Bring your own beer, and who cares what they think. And if he cooks any kind of poultry or pork, check to see that’s done. If it’s…
Best.Story.Ever. I’m calling it.