
What you say when you don’t quite know what to say!

Everyone on my mom’s side of the family (including my mom and stepdad), and both of my younger brothers, have passed away. On my dad’s side, since all of the ‘boomers’ have aged and either died or their own kids have taken over holidays, no one gets together for holidays anymore, so that leaves only my son and I. I’d

My doctor’s office just called me with the time for a CT scan at a local hospital - 5:30 on December 31st. I’m single and stopped ‘celebrating’ NYE decades ago so I’m fine with it, but all I could think of was “who was the poor soul stuck on shift in the hospital on New Year’s Eve? I think I’ll bring chocolate.

It told him/her to shut up and called them a mouse person.

Shut up. There are NEVER too many kitty photos. You must be a mouse person.

I fly economy on one certain Asian airline to New York regularly and it is heaven compared to any other economy flight. Seats don’t recline, the ‘scoop’ forward like recliners, so they don’t impinge on the person behind you. You get a choice of entree with your meal, and it’s a proper, hot meal that tastes good, plus

And immediately slow down!

I was always fascinated by Survivor, at least for the first 7 or 8 seasons, as players were figuring out the game, because there’s no way to script actual human behaviour, when left alone to sort themselves out. I hated the stupid ‘twists’ imposed on the game for the sake of ratings, but I loved the scheming, the

I will never forget Miss Carroll as Julia. Being only 8 years old at the time, I had no idea of the significance of a woman of colour in a leading role on television - I only remember that I thought she was beautiful and funny. Most especially, because I was a very sick kid when I was young, I wished more than

Next she’ll be complaining about the quality of the costumes.

Smarties have a much thicker candy shell than M&Ms, but if you take the time to suck the shell off, the chocolate is very smooth. Canadian chocolate is far superior to American chocolate because our chocolate is made to British standards, not American. Hershey chocolate, for example, is horrid compared to the rich

It also goes back to the whole practice in law that the prosecution has to prove a woman didn’t consent to a sex act. As long as a man says “I thought she wanted it.” and claims it was just rough sex, as presumed innocent, the onus is always on the woman to prove a negative. Even the mostly saintly virginal woman is a

Hookers and street people on the Downtown Eastside were telling the Vancouver police about women disappearing at the ‘pig farm’ for years and they were ignored. It was a jurisdiction problem as well. The VPD didn’t communication with the RCMP, so they didn’t connect the dots. And the one cop who did listen and tried

It appears to me that this cop is absolutely terrified of doing this job. She’s terrified of any potential ‘bad people’ she might run into, so she immediately resorts to Taser, then gun, and she’s terrified of screwing up and failing, so she thinks she has to ‘bring down the perp” in every situation. She is entirely

Since the advent of Airbnb, the rental housing market in my city (west coast of Canada) has dropped ridiculously and rents for the meagre hovels that do exist have skyrocketed. Every homeowner with a decent basement suite in even an okay neighbourhood has gone the Airbnb route and because house prices also went

Thank you! I totally get it now. My little almost-teen heart would have jumped right down into my newly-awakened almost-teen “flower” and I probably would have run like hell too! (And totally still been regretting it, as I have so many “missed opportunities” which probably weren’t but I so like to think they were).

So, my stepsister was calling herself “Cat” back in the day? I thought it was just me she did this to. No wonder she has no friends.

I’m not good at visualizing so I wish she’d or you had published the drawing. I can’t picture what him “leaning across” the elevator door and you “jumping over him” would look like. :( Pubescent angst I definitely get, though.

It should be remembered as well, that Bob Woodward and men of his age lived through that glorious and often cited era of The Fifties, when a man’s home was his castle, in which he exercised his will as he chose, including: beating his wife, beating his children, molesting his daughters (or sons), hitting on his

Why are you jumping down chinesesugar’s throat? Your so-called ‘list of things you are doing’ to try to prevent gun violence in America is lame and you know it - which is why, I believe, you are so defensive and self-righteous. Everything said about ‘muricans is true - you are allowing the murder of your children